Title: Reading105 Sculpture
2The Camposanto Monumentale ("monumental
cemetery") is a historical edifice at the
northern edge of the Cathedral Square in
Pisa, Italy
3Leonardo Bonacci (c. 1170 c. 1250) known as
Fibonacci and Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano
Bigollo, Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian
mathematician, considered to be "the most
talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages"
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15A large number of tombs are located under the
arches. Decorated with extensive frescoes it was
the burial place of the Pisa upper class for
16The Camposanto ("Holy Field") or Monumental
Cemetery in Pisa was constructed in 1278 around
sacred dirt brought back from Golgotha during the
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21Siena-born sculptor Giovanni Duprè (1817-1882)
created the memorial dedicated to mathematician,
astronomer, and physicist Ottaviano Fabrizio
Mossotti (1791-1863) in June 1867
22His work, for Pisas monumental cemetery,
symbolizes Urania, the Muse of astronomy, deep in
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29Urania, the Muse of astronomy, by Giovanni Duprè
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35Manchester Central Library According to the
Manchester City Council, The white, marble
statue on the left stair landing is The Reading
Girl by Giovanni Ciniselli (1832-1883)
36Manchester Central Library The Reading Girl
was bought in Italy by Daniel Adamson, the first
chairman of the Manchester Ship Canal Company,
and given to the library by his family in 1938.
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39Educate Illos In Disciplina - plinth for Giovanni
Ciniselli's sculpture Reading Girl Manchester
Central Library
40Car of History by Carlo Franzoni, 1819. With a
life size statue is perhaps the largest chariot
clock ever made. National Statuary Hall, US
41Clio - The Muse of History
42The Greek muse, Clio, stands on top of the Car
of History overlooking the Old House Chamber
(Statuary Hall)
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44The Greek muse, Clio, stands on top of the Car
of History overlooking the Old House Chamber
(Statuary Hall)
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46Enfant Lisant d'après Charles Gabriel
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48Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry Roman work of
the 2nd century Vatican Museum
49Innocenzo Spinazzi (17261798) La Velata
Galleria Civica di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
50Innocenzo Spinazzi (17261798) La Velata
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52Innocenzo Spinazzi (17261798) La Fede, 1781
Santa Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi (Firenze) -
Cappella Maggiore
53Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) Tondo Pitti
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55In this tondo Michelangelo placed, next to the
stern Madonna, a Child whose pose recalls that of
ancient funeral genii. Thus the overall effect,
despite the apparently playful attitude of the
Child, is deeply serious, and the Madonna has an
almost prophetic force, because of her size,
which bursts out from the frame of the relief
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence
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57Text and pictures Internet Copyright All the
images belong to their authors Presentation
Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Arianna Savall - Preghiera