Title: Free Employee Benefits - Versa Business Systems
1 Employee Benefits
At Versa, we think that a happy and productive
worker is in good health. Our Preventive Health
Initiative demonstrates our dedication to
creating an environment where people can flourish
in all facets of their lives and goes beyond
simple employee benefits.
Versa to you, this book is not just for
professionals, but to also explain the
complexities of the American financial and
banking systems in a way that anyone can
understand and benefit from. Whether you're a
seasoned business owner or just starting out,
this book has got you covered We specialize in
all products associated with the industry ranging
from credit card processing, to check collection,
to a full point of sale (POS) system. We are also
offering small business loans and MCAs..
3Versa Business Systems is a pioneer in the
ever-changing field of corporate wellness, having
demonstrated its dedication to worker health with
the creative Preventive Health Initiative (PHi).
With a special emphasis on preventative health,
Versa is providing a life-changing experience
with its Free Employee Benefits, going above and
beyond simply providing employee benefits in a
world where health is wealth. The Preventive
Power Presenting PHi We at Versa Business
Systems know how crucial employee health is. We
agree that our team members are our top asset.
The Preventive Health Initiative, or PHi, is
our new program. It's not your average employee
perk instead, it assures the lifelong health of
our team.
4Entire Health Evaluations PHi begins with a
customized approach to health by conducting
in-depth health evaluations for each employee.
These evaluations operate as a basis, enabling us
to customize wellness plans to meet the needs of
specific individuals and promote a proactive
attitude toward health care. Fitness regimens
and dietary advice Among them? Free dietary
advice and fitness plans. We believe in
empowering our employees to lead healthier
lives - it leads to a happier, more driven
team. Frequent Medical Examinations At PHi, we
push for regular health screenings. Early
detection is key to managing health issues. We
are investing in your future health as well as
your present well-being by providing free
preventative treatment.
5Email info_at_versabusinesssystems.com Address 963
5 Philadelphia Rd Suite 100, Rosedale, MD
21237 Phone 410-864-8034 Fax 410-344-7003