Title: Things To Avoid In A Job Interview
1Things To Avoid In A Job Interview Discussions
about pay, benefits, or vacation are never a good
idea during the first interview. Employers need
to know that you are focused on this position
because you believe working with the company is a
truly good fit with your interests and
background not because you are looking for a
specific salary, benefits, or vacation package.
You want to convey that you are interested in
helping this company be successful over the long
term while simultaneously growing your career.
There will be ample time to discuss compensation
later in the process
If an interviewer asks what you are expecting in
compensation, say I know I can make a
significant impact over the short and long term.
Based on my experience and potential Im
confident you would make an appropriate offer if
Im fortunate enough to get to that point in the
process. Things To Avoid In A Job Interview - Ru
ef Associates, LLC (ruef-associates.com)