Sustainable Tourism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sustainable Tourism


Sustainable tourism refers to responsible tourism practices that aim to minimize the negative impact of tourism on the environment, economy, and culture, while maximizing the positive benefits for the local communities and visitors! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: advantagegrandcanyon
Category: Travel & Places


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism
The Importance Of Responsible Tourism On The
Grand Canyon Each year, millions of people come
to the Grand Canyon and they come for various
reasons. For some, they come for the spectacular
scenes and the refreshing hiking trails. Others
enjoy the excitement of whitewater rafting on
the rapids of the Grand Canyon. Many enjoy raft
trips and helicopter rides. No matter what
attracts you to the Grand Canyon, you will agree
time spent on this breathtaking land is often
memorable for all who explore it. Unfortunately,
this much tourism can take an unintentional toll
on the delicate balance of the Canyon. While it's
often easy to ignore, the beauty of the Grand
Canyon relies on an intricate and often delicate
ecological balance. What are some ways our
activities can affect the Grand Canyon? Why is it
important to protect it, and more importantly,
what can we do to ensure that we continue
enjoying the beauty of the Grand Canyon for
years to come? Grand Canyon National Park- A
World Heritage Site UNESCO designated the Grand
Canyon as a World Heritage Site in 1979. The
organization usually grants this status to sites
they consider to have a cultural and natural
heritage of outstanding value to humanity. A
quick geological survey of the Grand Canyon will
show you why. In a brief statement on its site,
UNESCO describes the Grand Canyon as having one
of the best ongoing geological spectacles. The
international body also regards what the Grand
Canyon tells about the earth's history as
invaluable. Reports suggest that the gorges of
the Grand Canyon happened about 6 million years
ago during a period of geological upheaval.
Exposed horizontal strata on the Grand Canyon
retrace roughly 2 billion years of geological
activity. In addition, the park's diverse
topography makes it home to an extraordinarily
diverse ecosystem, ?ora, and fauna of a dizzying
range of species spread across the many zones of
the land. As a heritage site, the Grand Canyon
National Park becomes even more crucial,
considering it is home to some dwindling and even
endangered species. For example, the boreal
forest is home to several rare or endangered
animal and plant species!
Environmental Impact of Human Actions on the
Grand Canyon National Park The large volumes of
human visitors to the Grand Canyon each year have
had many environmental consequences on the park.
This issue of Grand Canyon tourism has persisted
despite the relentless efforts, programs, and
laws enacted by the national park system. Here
are some ways that Human actions have adversely
affected the Grand Canyon Environmental
Pollution Tourism often results in environmental
pollution at the Grand Canyon National Park, with
visitors leaving behind a trail of waste
materials such as one-time use water bottles and
metabolic wastes. Disposing of urine and fecal
matter directly into the Colorado River in camps
is also a concern. Helicopter and train rides
through the Grand Canyon cause noise pollution,
which can disturb animal species on land,
according to park o?cials! Increased
Erosion Erosion is responsible for the brilliant
gorges of the Grand Canyon. It was a geological
process that took at least six million years to
form. However, as tourism increases, so has
erosion. This in?ux of visitors and erosion
increase tend to change and denature the
environment, rendering some areas of the Grand
Canyon inaccessible! Introduction of Non-Native
Plant and Animal Species Tourism can introduce
non-native plant and animal species to the Grand
Canyon, such as the invasive Tamarisk plant that
out-competes local ?ora and fauna, increases ?re
and ?ood risks, and limits plant diversity.
Tamarisk provides nesting for an endangered
species but has a negative impact on the
ecosystem! The Damage Caused by
Construction The heated debate over Environment
vs. Development has been raging for many years
and seems to be going nowhere. However, no
matter what side you're on, you'll no doubt agree
that developers quickly sacri?ce the environment
when the wheels of development come spinning. The
Grand Canyon has had its share of disruptive
development projects!
Several Issues That Would Affect Tourism in the
Grand Canyon National Park in the Coming
Years Business and tourism continue to boom
tremendously on the Grand Canyon and its
environs. But as tourist companies and the
hospitality industry continue to pay more
attention to the area, many are rightly worried
about the future of tourism on the Grand Canyon
and what it would mean for its delicate
ecosystem. Here are three issues that could
affect the state of tourism in the Grand
Canyon Rapid Rate of Construction The Grand
Canyon's economic potential has led to a rapid
rate of construction with projects ranging from
restaurants and hotels to museums and trailer
parks. The proposed escalade project could bring
an additional 2,200 houses to the area. Despite
the economic bene?ts, environmentalists are
concerned about the impact on the ecosystem and
the Grand Canyon's aesthetics, fearing that the
construction will damage the natural beauty of
the heritage site! The Strain on Pack
Infrastructure The Grand Canyon National Park's
infrastructure is aging and strained, as it
mostly dates back to the 1920s-30s and is now
burdened with the massive increase in visitors.
The National Park requires repairs and upgrades
of 300 million as of 2010, and the longer the
repairs are delayed, the more the problem
worsens. Water and sewage issues also plague the
park, which could lead to widespread pollution
if left unaddressed!
Importance of Protecting and Conserving the Grand
Canyon When President Theodore Roosevelt
declared the Grand Canyon as one of the country's
national monuments in 1908, he implored that the
people of America treat the park in a way that
future generations could enjoy and appreciate.
It strikes at the heart of conservation and
sustainable tourism, which is crucial to a place
that is also a UNESCO world heritage site. With
the massive amounts required to upgrade and
repair the park, it is easy to ask if renovating
it is worth the time, resources, and effort.
Here are some reasons why preserving the Grand
Canyon is crucial It is one of the World's Most
Visually Powerful Landscapes UNESCO has
described the Grand Canyon as one of the world's
most visually powerful landscapes, but this
statement falls short of capturing the intense
beauty of the landscape. With plunging depths,
mystic caves, buttes, and a multi-faceted
topography, the Grand Canyon offers breathtaking
views, including ?at plateaus, waterfalls, and
whitewater rivers! Geological History and
Ecological Processes In addition to its majestic
beauty, the Grand Canyon is famous for its
striking geological Features. Early records show
that the giant contours of the Grand Canyon come
from years of erosion from the nearby Colorado
River. The geological strata are exposed layer by
layer from the basement Vishnu Schist to the
capping Kaibab Limestone. The Grand Canyon has
one of the most complete geological histories
on the planet! Ecological Refuge and Biological
Diversity The unique geological structure of the
Grand Canyon and the diversity of biotic
communities are other reasons to protect it. The
Grand Canyon alone represents about ?ve of the
seven life zones in the National Park. While the
entire park area is considered a semi-arid
desert, its varying elevations have given birth
to several distinct habitats. Here are just a
few The Riparian Community This habitat exists
between the Colorado River and its perennial
tributaries. It is a vast area that contains
hanging gardens, seeps, and springs with rare
plants. The Riparian Community is home to the
Catclaw acacia and the troublesome Tamarisk plant!
The Desert Scrub Community This habitat contains
several warm climate species, such as the
creosote bush, white bursae, and brittlebush.
You will also ?nd plants common to the American
desert in this region! The Ponderosa Pine
Forest The ?ora tends to change as the
elevations go higher, between 6500-8200 feet.
Plants found in this region are those that can
typically withstand higher altitudes. The White
Fir, Aspen, and Blue Spruce begin to dominate in
this region! Subalpine Grassland Community This
community is located above 8200 feet and is
usually found only on the North Rim. Several
types of grass dominate this area. Examples
include the blue and black grama, big galleta,
and Indian Rice grass. The wettest area supports
sedges and forbs! Threatened Species The Grand
Canyon is home to several endangered animal
species, including the Kaibab squirrel, the
humpback chub, and the Kanab Ambersnail. These
species play a crucial role in the ecosystem and
need to be protected. Unfortunately, air and
noise pollution, rapid construction, ?re
suppression, and invasive species continue to
threaten their survival! Rare Plant Species The
Grand Canyon is also home to over 1700 plant
species excluding moss, lichens, and fungi. Some
species are incredibly rare and could be lost if
the Grand Canyon cannot sustain them. Some rare
plants in the Grand Canyon include the Ponderosa
Pine, the Agave Philipsiana, and the Sentry
Milk-vetch are examples of such plants. Some of
them have only recently been discovered!
How to Conserve and Tour the Grand Canyon
National Parks Responsibly We have already
established the Grand Canyon's importance and why
we must conserve it for the future. We have also
seen the challenges the Grand Canyon faces. How
can we responsibly tour the Grand Canyon? Here
are some ways Adding Infrastructure with
Conservation in Mind Investments are needed to
repair and upgrade the Grand Canyon's
infrastructure, including trails, campgrounds,
water sources, and sewage systems. These upgrades
will improve the experience for tourists and
protect against pollution! Overall Management
and Protection from the National Park
Service The National Park Service plays a
crucial role in managing and protecting the Grand
Canyon. They have implemented policies to ensure
the sustainable use of the park while punishing
abusive behavior. Park managers can limit visits
to speci?c areas and restrict camping and hiking
trails to preserve the park's ecological
balance! Education or Reorientation to Stop the
Current Trend of Values The Grand Canyon is a
national treasure and a world heritage site. It
is home to diverse plant and animal species and
draws millions of visitors each year. To preserve
its natural beauty and ecological balance, park
o?cials must enact laws, policies, and
educational campaigns to promote sustainable use
and responsible behavior!
Conclusion Visiting the Grand Canyon is a
life-changing experience many love exploring the
unique land. However, using the Grand Canyon
responsibly has a cumulative bene?t beyond money
or any other economic bene?t. The Grand Canyon
is a national monument and a world heritage site
it holds crucial insights into geological
processes. While increasing tourism has bene?ted
the country and local economies, national parks
around the Canyon risk being ruined so that
nothing will be left for future generations.
Effective management, investment in
infrastructure, and a massive educational
campaign are ways to ensure sustainable use of
the Canyon. Contact Advantage Grand Canyon to
book your next Grand Canyon rafting trip from any
of the local top 15 out?tters. We offer them all!
Advantage Grand Canyon
https// https//www.
F8c16w 7707 E
Acoma Drive, Ste. 103 Scottsdale, AZ
85260 888-244-2224
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