Title: Magento 2 EMIS Online Payment Gateway
1EMIS Online Payment Gateway for Magento 2 User
- Table of Content
- Extension Installation
- Configuration
- EMIS Payment Method in Frontend
- EMIS Payment Details in Backend
2- Extension Installation
- For Magento Marketplace Customers
- Find the Composer name and version of the
extension in the extensions composer.json file. - Login to your SSH and run
- composer require meetanshi/magento-2-emis-online-p
ayment-gateway - Enter your authentication keys. Your public key
is your username your private key is your
password. - Wait for Composer to finish updating your project
dependencies and make sure there - arent any errors.
- To verify that the extension installed properly,
run the command - php bin/magento modulestatus Meetanshi_Gpo
- By default, the extension is probably disabled.
- Enable the extension and clear static view files
- php bin/magento moduleenable Meetanshi_Gpo
--clear-static-content - php bin/magento setupupgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php
bin/magento setupstatic-contentdeploy - For Magento version 2.2.x above - php
bin/magento setupstatic-contentdeploy f - php bin/magento cacheflush
- For Meetanshi Customers
3- Configuration
- To configure the extension, login to Magento 2,
move to Sales ? Payment Methods ? EMIS GPO -
Meetanshi where you can find various settings to
enable the extension. - Enabled Set YES to enable the EMIS Payment
Gateway Method. - Title Set the title for the payment method to be
displayed in the frontend. - Show Gpo Logo Set YES to show EMIS logo along
with the payment method in the frontend. - Sandbox Mode Select YES to enable sandbox mode.
- Client Email Enter the client email provided by
EMIS payment gateway during registration. - Client Name Enter the client name provided by
EMIS payment gateway during registration. - In order to get the client email and client name
from the EMIS payment gateway, login to
ent-gateway/administration/login using your
credentials. You can copy the client email and
client name from the dashboard.
- Client ID Enter the client ID provided by EMIS
payment gateway during registration. - Client Secret Enter the client secret provided
by EMIS payment gateway during registration. - From https//pagamentonline.emis.co.ao8443/online
-payment-gateway/administration/login, click on
Aplicacoes and click on your name. You can find
the Client ID and Client secret from here.
4- Token URL After the successful extension
installation, you can see the token URL already
saved here. - Sale URL After the successful extension
installation, you can see the sale URL already
saved here. - Point of Sale Enter the point of sale provided
by EMIS payment gateway during registration. - Login to https//pagamentonline.emis.co.ao/online-
payment-gateway/portal/ using your credentials.
Go to Movements, click on the Terminals and
copy the Point of sale number.
- Supervisor Card Enter the supervisor card
provided by EMIS payment gateway during
registration. - From https//pagamentonline.emis.co.ao/online-paym
ent-gateway/portal/, click on - Establishments to get the Supervisor card
5- SSL Certificate Browse the SSL certificate file
provided by EMIS payment gateway. - SSL Key Browse the SSL key file provided by EMIS
payment gateway. - Payment from Applicable Countries Select
countries to allow using this payment method. - Debug Select YES to enable the debug mode.
- Instructions Enter instructions to display on
the checkout page along with the payment method. - Sort Order Enter Sort Order of the payment
method display in the frontend.
63. EMIS Payment Method in Frontend Once the
payment method is configured, the EMIS Payment
method is shown on the frontend while ordering
the products. Just select the payment method,
click Order to get payment confirmation
notification in your registered mobile number,
and confirm payment from your phone within 90
7- EMIS online Payment in My Account section
- Immediately after the payment is confirmed, the
order is placed successfully, and the payment
method details is shown in the Account dashboard
under the My Orders tab - which includes method title, purchase ID, and
mobile number.
84. EMIS Payment Details in Backend Apart from the
customers, the admin can also see the payment
details for the orders in the backend. Go to
Sales ? Orders and you can see EMIS payment
details under a particular order.