Title: Scariest Bridges Around the World
1Scariest Bridges Around the World
2There are so many bridges around the world! Some
bridges are well-built, old, and new as well.
Clearly, all the bridges have same goal.
Wondering, what? Bridges connect two points!
Undeniably. Bridges are very important element of
transportation infrastructure. Certainly, there
are so many amazing bridges around the world.
3Lets dive into some scariest bridges around the
- Suspension bridge on the Trift glacier,
Switzerland - Living Bridges of Meghalaya, India
- Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia
- Capilano Suspension Bridge, Canada
4Suspension bridge on the Trift glacier,
- The Trift Bridge is one of the most spectacular
suspension bridges around the world. It is a
simple suspension bridge that was built in 2004.
At present, it is one of the longest and scariest
cable suspension bridges around the world.
5Living Bridges of Meghalaya, India
- It is one of the most famous and marvelous
structures that man has been build. It is another
scariest bridge that is located in the state of
Meghalaya, India. With more than 30 meters
height, it is the scariest bridge around the
6Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia
- The construction of this amazing bridge was
completed in 2004. In fact, it is the longest
curved bridge around the world. Langkawi Sky
bridge requires support of a crane which makes
this bridge extremely dangerous to cross.
7Capilano Suspension Bridge, Canada
- The bridge is suspended more than 70 meters above
the Capilano river. It is a fairly narrow bridge
with railings. Certainly, the bridge is safe to
cross but you need to follow the rules properly.
Many people have lost their lives on this bridge.
So, you need to be attentive towards rules.
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- 1(720)893-7508
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- www.unitedbridgepartners.com