Title: Longest Bridges Around the World
1Longest Bridges Around the World
- Undeniably, bridges have a separate and special
place in the transportation infrastructure.
Wondering, why? Well, these structures have the
purpose to carry loads and crossing obstacles.
Clearly, bridges establish effective
communication between two destinations. There are
so many bridges around the world. In fact, many
countries are known for their iconic bridges
across the world. Certainly, the United States is
struggling with an infrastructure crisis for the
past few years. However, the US bridge
infrastructure is getting better after
public-private partnerships.
3Following are the top 4 longest bridges that you
should know
- Wuhan Metro Bridge, China
- Beijing Grand Bridge, China
- ChanghuaKaohsiung Viaduct, Taiwan
- Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, USA
4Wuhan Metro Bridge, China
The length of this bridge is 37 km and connects
Zongguan Station and Huangpulu. In fact, it is
the first elevated metro line that was designed
to solve the problem of traffic congestion over
the Yangtze River.
5Beijing Grand Bridge, China
In simple terms, it is a railway viaduct that
connects Shanghai to Beijing. According to a
recent survey report, China has more than 961,100
road bridges. The length of this bridge is 48 km.
One should visit this amazing bridge at least
once in a lifetime.
6ChanghuaKaohsiung Viaduct, Taiwan
This is another iconic bridge around the world.
Well, the length of this bridge is 157 km which
connects Changhua County with Zuoying, Kaohsiung.
This bridge was built to ease traffic and improve
the countrys transportation infrastructure
7Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, USA
This bridge was opened to the public in 1956. In
fact, it is comprised of two parallel twin
bridges. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is one of
the scariest bridges around the world.
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- 1(720)893-7508
- Info_at_unitedbridgepartners.com
- www.unitedbridgepartners.com