Title: Christian Missionary Organizations
Business address
Frontier Alliance International, BOX 476,
Wheaton, IL 60187, USA
Web Address https//www.faimission.org/
Business phone number 833.324.1040
Company Email contact_at_faimission.org
Target Audience American Christian
Social account links
Facebook https//www.facebook.com/faimission
Twitter https//twitter.com/faimission Instagram
tional/ Youtube https//www.youtube.com/c/faistu
dios Vimeo https//vimeo.com/faimission
About Us
Frontier Alliance International ( FAI) is working
to bring healthy churches into every nation. We
can help you do it well, whether it's going as a
missionary or sending out missionaries to
unreached people. We know that the idea of
foreign missions has a lot of uncertainties,
questions, and paperwork but christian
missionary organizations have a lot of
certainties. Frontier Alliance International (
FAI) is working to bring healthy churches into
every nation. The love of God motivates its
ministry. Today, our work extends to church
groups, missionaries, and clergy. A missionary
may perform his or her work through formal
teaching in a classroom or religious setting or
through informal communication.
Of course, a thorough knowledge of Christianity
and strong communication skills are two of the
most important qualities a missionary should
have. Frontier Alliance International ( FAI) goal
is bold To make relevant theological education,
43 practical training, and spiritual formation
accessible to every ministry leader in every
nation! Now, We can help to make christian
missionary organizations!