Title: Best Summer Day Camp Services in Chicago
1Get the Best Summer Day Camp Services in Chicago
2Summer Day Camp Chicago
Summer camps are known for their safe environment
and the fun activities for kids that they
provide. The summer camps activities help develop
a variety of social skills including
communication and conflict resolution.
3So, one should always go for the best summer day
camp. But, where to get the best summer day camp
services? There might be a lot of people who are
looking for options like Summer Day Camp Chicago
or Summer Day Camp Activities. If you are also
looking for something like this then, we, the
lakeshore are here for you.
Our mission at Camp Lakeshore is to operate fun
and engaging programs while fostering the
physical, emotional, and social well-being of our
campers. We give kids an experience that will
last a lifetime! All Camp Lakeshore programs are
based in our 185,000 square-foot,
state-of-the-art facility which includes a large
outdoor rooftop, playground, studios, and
indoor/outdoor pool.
4 Full-day campers also receive a buffet-style
lunch which includes a choice of entrée, fruit,
vegetable, side, and drink. Bagged lunches
are provided on field trip days. Our meals are
designed to be balanced and nutritious to promote
lifelong healthy living. So, choose us now.
For further details, check our website
https//www.lakeshoresf.com/ or
5Summer Day Camp Activities
Street Address 1320 West Fullerton City
Chicago State IL Zip 60614 Phone Number
7733486377 Email Address PG_at_lakeshoresf.com Web
site https//www.lakeshoresf.com
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