Presented by. Mr. Maroti M. Jeurkar Lecturer,
YBCP, chandrapur
- Intra-cellular fluid-The fluid which is present
inside the cell is called intracellular fluid,
This constitutes about 45-50 of body weight. Eg
-Cytoplasm - Extra cellular fluid-The fluid which is present
outside the cell is called the extracellular
fluid. - Intra extra cellular electrolytesIn an average
adult, the total body fluid is 60 of the body
weight.The fluids in body are as follows
a)Interstitial fluid- the fluid present between
the cell which constitute, 2159 of body weight
b)Plasma fluid-The fluid present within the
blood vascular system. It comprises 4-5 of body
weight.The three fluid compartment are separated
from each other by membranes? These membranes are
permeable to water and certain inorganic and
organic components present in the body fluids
3- The composition and concentration of various
solutes in body fluids is definite and differ
from one another. - The body fluids are having various inorganic ions
which are either anionic, or cationic in
character. Ex-Anionic electrolytes are HCO3, CI,
SO4, HPO4 and that of cationic electrolytes are
sodium, potassium, Calcium magnesium. - The electrolytes present in the intracellular and
extracellular fluids
ANIONS 1)To control osmosis of water between the
body compartments 2) To maintain the acid-base
balance needed for normal cellular activities. 3)
To generate action potentials graded potentials
control secretions of some hormones and
5? ROLE OF SODIUM (Na) Sodium is considered to be
the most abundant extracationsmili equivalent
Normal plasma sodium concentration 1364142
m.eq/litThe daily requirement of
sodium Functions- 1) It maintain osmotic
pressure 2) It is associated with chlorides and
bicarbonates it maintains acid base balance in
the body 3) It maintain normal irritability of
muscles 4)Responsible in CO2 transport and cell
membrane permeability (a)Hyponaturemia- in this
conditions there is low level of sodium in body
which can be due to excessive urination,
diarrhoea, vomiting, and excessive loss of sodium
in metabolic acidosis. (b)Hypernaturemia-In this
condition there is high level of sodium in body
which can be due to severe dehydration,certain
type of brain damage and excessive treatment with
sodium salt it leads to hypertension and edema
6 ROLE OF POTASSIUM (k) Potassium is considered
to be the most abundant cation in the intra
cellular fluid,Normal plasma Potassium
concentration-3.8-5.0mThe daily requirement of
Potassium 1.5-4.5 g Functions 1) It influences
the muscle activity mainly that of cardiac muscle
Disorders"Elevated potassium levels are seen
with patients with renal failure, advanced
dehydration or symptoms includes, cardiac and CNS
depression. Other symptoms include bradycardia,
poor heart sound, and cardiac arrest. Also cause
electrocardiographic changes.......
Extracelllular elevation of potassium level
causes mental confusion, weakness of respiratory
muscle and facial paralysis. b)Hyperkalemia-High
potassium level develop in the body. b)Hypokalemia
-Low potassium level develop in various
conditions such as, i) Malnutrition, Diarrhea,
metabolic alkalosis ii) Use of diuretics
7ROLE OF CHLORIDE It is a major anion of all body
fluids and nearly constituents. 66 of the anions
present in plasma as chloride. Functions 1)
Helps to maintain osmotic and chloride Potassium
balance along with sodium containing the charge
balance 2) Responsible for maintain the second
largest anions3) Involved in formation of gastric
hydrochloric acid4) Helps in maintenance of acid
base balance Functions-i) help to maintain
acid-base balance with the help of carbonic acid
ii) Essential for formation of cartilage
iii)required for detoxification of phenols iv) In
case of heart disease
- The body maintain electrolyte concentrations but
if body is unable to do same it is maintained by
external administration of electrolyte and that
is called as replacement therapy - Various organic and inorganic substances are
present the body and their level is maintained in
such a way thatthe cells and tissues have always
same environment. - The various regulatory mechanisms controls pH,
osmotic pressure, ionic balance and mainta
concentration of solutes in various body fluids. - For this purpose electroly acid, base,
carbohydrates, proteins and blood products are
used and are called as electrolyte replenisher
Electrolytes used for replacement
therapyi)Sodium replacement-For this purpose
sodium chloride ii)Potassium replacement-For
this purpose potassiumchloride, and its
preparation are usedcalcium replacement For this
purpose calcium chloride, Calcium gluconate and
their preparation are used.
- Mol FormulaI2
- Preparations - From weed From chill saltspetre
- Properties
- occurs as bluish black plates or crystals
- It has peculiar odour
- It has acidic taste
- It melts at higher temp.
- It is practically insoluble in water but soluble
in alcohol - Chemical Properties-1) It reacts with metals -
Fe I --- FeI - Uses - 1) lodine is used as an antimicrobial
agent - 2) It is also used as antiseptic Disinfectants
- 4) It is used in alkaloidal poisoning
- 5) In iodine deficiency ie goitre
- For normal functioning of the cell the pH is
maintained body within a narrow range i.e 7.38 to
7.42 - by During metabolic process the number of various
ions as well as acid and base are produced in
body which may change the pH of body fluids The
buffer system activate in body when large amount
of acid and base are produced during metabolic
process. - The lungs and kidney are the main organ which act
as a buffer system in the body
11- The physiological acid-base balance is maintained
as follows - A. Buffering system- There are three buffering
system - Carbonic acid and bicarbonate system it is
mainly - Monohydrate and dihydrogen phosphate system is
mainly found in cell and kidney. - Protein buffer system-Protein are composed of
amino acid bounded together by peptide linkage.
Some proteins on dissociation form acid and base
which helps to maintain acid base balance. - B. By renal mechanism-Kidney have ability to
produce ammonia which combine with acid obtained
from various metabolic processes and forms
ammonium ion which is excreted through urine - C. By respiratory mechanism-The lungs are
important in regulation of blood pH because they
expel CO2 outside the body. The lungs helps to
control blood pH by regulating levels of excreted
are available in the powder form as well as in
solution form.They are mainly used in the case of
dehydration where the fluids and electrolytes are
lost from the body. The dry powder preparations
are to be mixed In specific amount of water and
used for oral rehydration therapy. The
preparation may contain flavoring agent and a
suitable agent for free flow of the powder. The
following three formulations are usually
available in market. The quantities are given
below are for 1 litre.
combination of electrolytes are prepared and
given to the patients according to his
requirement this type oftreatment is called as
electrolyte combination therapy. B. When patient
is deficient of electrolyte in illness. In such
cases combination of electrolyte are prepared and
given as per need of patient.
14- Electrolyte combination product are divided
- Fluid maintenance-The patient who cannot take
food orally are administered intravenous
solutions of electrolyte - Electrolyte replacement in case like vomiting,
diarrhoea, or prolonged dysentery there is loss
of water and electrolytes Products used - i)Sodium lactate injection (IP,BP)-It is sterile
containing 1.75to 1.95 of sodium lactate
prepared in water for injection ,lactic acid and
sodium hydroxide. - ii)Steralised Compound NaCl injection (IP)-It is
sterile solution containing 0.082-0.90 0f NaCl,
0.0285 to 0.0315 w/v of KCI. Steralised by
heating in autoclave - iii)Compound sodium lactate injection (IP)- It
is sterile containing total chloride, CaCl2,
2H2O, and lactic acid.
- Respiratory acidosis-It occurs due to primary
deficiency resulting from retention of carbon
dioxide in the bodyIt is caused by- i)Cardiac
disease. ii) Lung damage. iii)CNS depression. iv)
Muscular impairment - It can be corrected by increasing ammonia
formation. - B. Respiratory alkalosis It occurs due to
deficiency of H2COthrough which is due to over
excretion of CO, from the body. It is caused by
Salicylate poisoning. - It can be corrected by compound NaCl injection
16C. Metabolic acidosis (systemic acidosis)-When
the pH of"low, this condition is called as
metabolic acidosis. i)loss of proton acceptor.
iii)formation of excess of retention of acid. ii)
by diarrhoea and vomiting. It can corrected-i)By
giving HCO3 treatment with sodium salts of
acetate, lactate and sodium acetate Principal
disorder of acid base balance D. Metabollic
alkalosis (Systemic alkalosis) In this condition
there is increase in the pH of blood due to low H
concentration. It occurs due to i)excess intake
of alkaline drug. ii) Due to loss of chloride
ioniii)Administration of diuretics. It is
corrected by- i) Giving ammonium salts" ii)
Respiratory and renal mechanism
- Molecular formula- CH3COONa.3H2O
- Preparation Prepared by action of acetic acid
with sodium 1carbonate or sodium bicarbonate - 2CHCOOHNaHCO3------2CH.COONaH2OCO2
- Properties
- Occurs as colourless, white, granular crystalline
powder - It has slight odour
- Uses- 1) Used in metabolic acidosis
- 2) alkalizing agent
- 3)In diarrhoea and dysentery
- 4) For treatment of uremic acidosis
- Pharmaceutical remittee
- Physical Properties.-
- Uccurs as colourless crysalline white, granular
crystalline powder - It has slight odour
- Have slightly saline and bitter taste
- It is soluble in aqueous solution
- It is alkaline in nature
- Uses- 1) Used in metabolic acidosis
- 2) alkalizing agent
- 3)In diarrhoea and dysentery
- 4) For treatment of uremic acidosis
19SODIUM CHLORIDE formula. NaCl Mol.wt
58.44 Synonym- Common Salt, Natrii
Chloridum Preparation-1) from rock salt 2) from
sea water 3) Pure Sodium chloride, Properties i)
It occors as a colourless crystal or white
Crystalline powder.2) It is odorless but posses
saline taste. 3) It is freely soluble in water
slightly in boiling water.4) it absorbs
moisture. Storage It should be stored in tightly
closed Containers Uses 1) Sodium chloride is
primarily used as an Electrolyte replenisher.2)
It can also be used as an Intravenous Injections.
or Infusions, when fluid Electrolytes have been
depleted.3) Sodium chloride is also used in Oral
RehydrationTherapy (ORT) in combination glucose.
Dose Orally 3-6g daily requirement. with other
salt A an IV infusion as per requirement
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