- Major cause of bleeding during 1st and 2nd
trimester is abortion - Abortions are either spontaneous or induced
- Abortion defined expulsion of the fetus prior to
viability, (20 weeks gestation or less or less
than 500 g)
3General Principles of Nursing Interventions
- Assess type and amt of bleeding by Hx
- Monitor vital signs often
- Observe for shock
- Count and weigh pads to assess bleeding save all
clots. - Assess for FHT
- Start IV
4- Have O2 ready if needed
- Assess coping and give emotional support
5Etiology of Spontaneous Abortions
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Teratogneic drugs
- Faulty implantation
- Weakened cervix
- Placental disorders
- Maternal conditions
- Chronic disease
- Endocrine imbalances
- Infections
6Subcategories for Spontaneous Abortions
- Threatened abortion
- Imminent abortion
- Complete abortion
- Incomplete abortion
- Missed abortion
- Recurrent pregnancy loss
- Septic abortion
7Medical Therapy for Spontaneous Abortions
- Ultrasound to detect gestational sax or cardiac
activity - Bed rest
- Intravenous fluids
- Possible blood transfusions
- RhoGAM if Rh neg within 72 hours
8Causative Factors of Ectopic Pregnancy
- Previous tubal damage or tubal surgery
- Congenital abnormalities
- Endometriosis
- Presence of an IUD
- Uterine exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES)
9Medical treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy
- Administer methotrexate IM
- Surgical treatment- Salpingootomy via laporaoscope
10Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
- Defined pathologic proliferation of
trophoblastic cells - GTD includes
- hydatiform mole complete and partial grapelike
clusters of hydropic vesicles (fluid filled cysts
grow from chorionic villa of placenta) - Invasive mole (chorioadenoma)
- choriocarcinoma
11Medical therapy for Hydatiform Mole
- Suction evacuation of the mole
- Curettage of the uterus
12Nursing care for Hydatiform Mole
- Assess vaginal bleeding
- Monitor vital signs
- Administer oxygen
- Assess for anemia
- Instruct on Follow up
- Labs needed
- Chest x-ray
- Birth control for 1 year
- Chemotherapy if mole is cancerous
13Incompetent Cervix
- Cervix dilates when fetus about 15 20 weeks
gestation - History of spontaneous abortions
- Sterile speculum exam reveals effacement and
dilatation of cervix and bulging membranes
14Medical treatment
- vaginal ultrasound to detect dilation of the
internal cervical os - Cerclage (Shirodkar-Barter) operation
- Birth
- C-section
- Vaginal birth with sutures removed before term
15Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- Excessive vomiting during pregnancy
- Cause may be increased levels of hCG
- Medical treatment
- Antiemetics
- IV fluids
- Restore electrolyte balance ( potassium,
thiamine, vit B12 - TPN
16Nursing Care for Hyperemesis
- Assess amount and character of emesis
- Monitor I O
- Assess clients emotional state
- Provide a relaxed and quiet environment
- Minimize food odors
- Provide oral hygiene
- Monitor weight
- Spontaneous rupture of the membranes prior to the
onset of labor - PPROM preterm ROM before 37 weeks
- Maternal risk is r/t chorioamnionitis (infection
intra-amniotic- before birth and endometritis
(postpartal infection) - Fetal-newborn risk of respiratory distress
syndrome, fetal sepsis, malpresentation, prolapse
of the cord and increase perinatal morbidity and
18PROM Assessment
- Nitrazine swabs and microscopic exam for ferning
test. - Nursing Care with infection
- Monitor vital signs esp. temperature
- IV antibiotics usually
- Delivery of fetus
19- Nursing care without infection
- Monitor maternal status
- vital signs
- Uterine activity
- Peri-pad count
- Avoid vaginal exams
- Rest on left side
- Report signs of infection
20- Monitor fetal status
- Nonstress test
- Biophysical profile electronic fetal monitoring
as necessary -
21Pre-term Labor
- Labor that occurs between 20 and 37 completed
weeks of pregnancy - Nursing Care of preterm labor
- Maintain good uterine blood flow (side)
- EFM to assess contractions
- Administer corticosteroids (celestone)
- IV infusion to hydrate
- Administer tocolytic medication to suppress
uterine contractions (terbutaline, procardia or
magnesium sulfate) - Teach self-care measures to prevent preterm labor
- Increased blood pressure after 20 weeks gestation
accompanied with proteinuria are the classic
signs - Eclampsia is the most severe form of preeclampsia
and is accompanied by seizures or coma
23Vascular changes with preeclampsia
- Gradual loss of resistance to angiotensin II
- Blood pressure rises
- Imbalance between prostacyclin and thromboxane
- Thromboxane dominates
- Vasoconstriction and platelet-aggregation occur
24- Loss of normal vasodilation of uterine arterioles
- Maternal vasospasm with decreased placental
perfusion - Renal changes decreased renal perfusion, urine
output decreases retention of sodium causes
increased extra cellular volume
25Treatment of preeclampsia
- Hospitalization- monitor maternal and fetal
status - Delivery if condition worsens
- Nursing care
- Mild bed rest on left side, diet alterations
- Severe bed rest, anticonvulsant medication,
fluid and electrolyte replacement, steroids,
antihypertensive medication
26- HELLP syndrome can be associated with severe
preeclampsia. Stands for hemolysis of red blood
cells, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet
27Chronic Hypertension
- Elevated blood pressure before 20 weeks gestation
- Persists 42 days after birth
- Can have superimposed preelampsia with
proteinuria and edema in upper body - Gestational hypertension elevation of BP with
occurs for first time in pregnancy and has no
signs of proteinuria
28Rh Alloimmunization (sensitization)
- Rh negative woman carries an Rh-positive fetus
- Mothers system produced anti-Rh positive
antibodies if fetus blood enters the mother's
blood. - Subsequent pregnancies Rh antibodies cross the
placenta and enter the fetal circulation
29- Red blood cells of the fetus are attacked by the
mothers anti-Rh positive antibodies, causing
hemolysis of fetal red blood cells - Hydrops fetalis marked fetal edema
- Prevention
- Screening with blood test antibody screen
(indirect coombs) - Administration of Rh immune globulin (RhoGam) at
28 weeks gestation and after birth if infant is
RH positive
30ABO Incompatibility
- Pregnant mother has different blood type than
fetus - Rarely causes hemolysis
- Newborn assessed closely for hyperbilirubinemia
31Care of Woman requiring Surgery during Pregnancy
- Pregnancy risk
- Preterm labor
- Fetal mortality
- Spontaneous abortion
32Physiological changes of pregnancy that
complicate surgery
- Decreased intestinal motility
- Delayed gastric emptying
- Increases respiration secretions
- Bladder distention
- Postoperative teaching
- Diet modifications
- Physical activity level
- Warning signs
33Care of Woman suffering trauma from an Accident
- Traumas causing concerns during pregnancy
- Blunt trauma (auto accidents)
- Penetration abdominal injuries (gunshot or knife
wound) - Maternal shock
34Maternal-Fetal complications
- Uterine rupture
- Placenta abruption
- Premature rupture of membranes
- Preterm labor
- Spontaneous abortion
35- Nursing care
- Maintain airway
- Control bleeding
- Administer intravenous fluids
- Assess uterine irritability
- Monitor FHT
- Possible surgery
- Possible cesarean birth
36Battered Pregnant Woman
- Complications related to the abused pregnant
woman - Anemia
- Infection
- Low weight gain
- Bleeding problems
- Loss of pregnancy
37- Complications related to the fetus
- Low birth weight infants
- Preterm labor
- Fetal death
38Signs of Maternal Physical Abuse
- Bruising and/or injury breast, abdomen,
genitalia - Decreased eye contact
- Silence when around partner
- Nervousness, insomnia
- Drug overdose, alcohol problems
39Nursing Care and Community Resources
- Identify clients at risk
- Promote decision-making skills
- Decrease potential for future abuse
- Secure a safe environment
- Refer to community resources
- Emergency shelters
- Police
- Legal services, social services, counseling
40Perinatal Infections affecting the Fetus
- TORCH toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus,
herpes - Effects on newborns with
- Toxoplasmosis convulsions, coma, microcephaly,
hydrocephalus, infant death - Rubella congenital cataracts, sensorineural
deafness, heart defects, mental retardation - Cerebral palsy
41- Effects on newborn continued
- Cytomegalovirus fetal death, severe neurological
problems, eye abnormalities, hearing loss, mental
retardation - Herpes simplex virus (type 2 or genital)
microcephaly, mental retardation seizures,
retinal dysplasia apnea, coma
42Other Infections That can cause Complications in
the Newborn
- Group B Streptococcal infections
- Bacteria found in GI tract and urogenital tracts
in women - Major cause of early-onset neonatal infections
(1-2 per 1000 live births) - Early onset in fetus causes serious illness
including pneumonia and overwhelming septicemia - Late onset 1 week or more later meningitis or
pneumonia -
43GBS Preventative Treatment
- Screen all pregnant women at 35 to 37 weeks
gestation - GBS carriers should receive antibiotic
prophylaxis at the onset of labor or the rupture
of membranes - GBS status unknown treat intrapartally
- Observe infant for ss and keep in hospital for
at least 48 hours
44Other Infections of significance
- Acute pyelonephritis risk of premature birth and
IUGR - Vulvovaginal candidiasis newborn thrush
- Trichomoniasis PROM, preterm birth, low birth
weight infants - chlamydial infection Newborn conjunctivitis and
pneumonia -
45- Gonorrhea ophthalmia neonatorum in infant
leading to possible blindness - Syphilis can be passed transplacentally to the
fetus. If untreated, can cause second trimester
abortion, stillborn infant at term, congenitally
infected infant