NATUROPATHY AND YOGA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NATUROPATHY AND YOGA, Naturopathy a system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, and massage. YOGA a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Shri Tuljabhavani Sewabhawi Shaikshanik Va
Samagik Shikshan Sanstha, Kothari. HI TECH
Nagpur Highway, chandrapur-442401 M-Pharmacy
(1st year, IInd Semester) 2021-2022 Department -
Pharmacognosy(MPG) Name - Maroti Madhukar
Naturopathya system of alternative medicine
based on the theory that diseases can be
successfully treated or prevented without the use
of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet,
exercise, and massage.
  • Alternative / Complementary System of Healthcare
  • Art and science of healthy living
  • Science of healing through nature
  • Nature cure for lifestyle disorders
  • Drugless System of Medicine
  • Holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and
    generally avoids the use of surgery and drugs.
  • Principles
  • Body Heals itself
  • Morbid Matter theory
  • Pancha-mahabhutas
  • Acute Disease is a cleansing effort of the body

  • Recognised as an Indian System of Medicine by
  • Originally started with dawn of civilization,
    from Europe, Germany, China and later spread to
    other parts of the world Hippocrates, Louis
    Kuhne, Benedict Lust, Adolf Just, Vincent
    Priezznitz, J H Kellogg etc, Dr Henry Lindlahr
  • India- Popularised by Mahatma Gandhi, Dr B Venkat
    Rao, Lakshman Sharma

  • Hydrotherapy
  • Nutrition, Dietetics and Therapeutic fasting
  • Acupuncture and Acupressure
  • Massage Therapy
  • Mud Therapy
  • Chromotherapy/ Magnetotherapy/ Air Therapy

(No Transcript)
  • The main features of Naturopathy are
  • All diseases, their causes and treatment are one.
    Except for traumatic and environmental
    conditions, the cause of all diseases is one i.e.
    accumulation of morbid matter in the body. The
    treatment of all diseases is elimination of
    morbid matter from the body.
  • The primary cause of disease is accumulation of
    morbid matter. Bacteria and virus enter and
    survive in the body only after the accumulation
    of morbid matter when a favourable atmosphere for
    their growth is established in body. Hence, the
    basic cause of disease is morbid matter and
    bacteria secondary causes.
  • Acute diseases are self-healing efforts of the
    body. Hence, they are our friends, not the enemy.
    Chronic diseases are outcome of wrong treatment
    and suppression of the acute diseases.
  • Nature is the greatest healer. The human body
    itself has the healing power to prevent itself
    from disease and regain health if unhealthy.
  • In Nature Cure it is not the disease but the
    entire body of the patient which is caused and is
  • Naturopathy Cures Patients suffering from chronic
    ailments are also treated successfully in
    comparatively less time by Naturopathy.
  • In Nature Cure the suppressed diseases are
    brought to surface and are removed permanently.
  • Naturopathy treats all the aspects like physical,
    mental, social and spiritual at the same time.
  • Naturopathy treats the body as a whole.
  • According to Naturopathy, Food is only the
    Medicine, no external medications are used.
  • Performing prayer according to ones spiritual
    faith is an important part of treatment

Naturopathic Principles The six principles of
naturopathic medicine unite NDs across the
world First Do No HarmCore to all medical
practice is the desire to help the human form and
condition. NDs typically approach care by
utilizing the most natural, least invasive and
least toxic therapies. NDs will refer when the
patients presentation is outside their scope or
level of skill. The Healing Power of NatureNDs
recognize the value of our natural world in
assisting the healing process. Not only do NDs
utilize substances that originate in nature, but
they also incorporate a healthy natural
environment as foundational to human health.
Naturopathic doctors recognize and harness the
bodys inherent wisdom to heal itself in order to
guide patients to wellness and total
health. Identify and Treat the CausesThere is a
time and place for symptom suppression, however
most naturopathic patients will benefit from
identifying the underlying causes of illness and
removing obstacles to cure.
Doctor as TeacherNaturopathic doctors elevate
patient health literacy. That means that NDs are
part of the team helping patients have a better
understanding of what it takes to be and stay
well. Through education and a trust-based
relationship, patients better understand the
steps they need to take to achieve and maintain
health. Treat the Whole PersonNaturopathic
doctors understand the interconnectedness of our
body, our environment and our lifestyle on total
health. It is only through this
whole-person-based approach that NDs seek to
restore balance and health. PreventionNaturopathi
c medicine affirms that it is better to prevent
illness and suffering whenever possible. Through
their comprehensive practice, NDs combine all six
principles in order to identify potential areas
of imbalance and teach patients how to get well
and stay well.
  • Naturopathic doctors design medical care plans to
    suit individual needs and health conditions. This
    means the treatment plans they offer can vary,
    but they all follow similar principles.
  • Most treatments include food and nutrition
    Trusted Source. A naturopathic doctor will
    customize recommendations for the individual.
  • A diet plan will typically use whole foods, for
    example, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, and whole
  • The doctor may also offer advice on maximizing
    nutritional value by eating seasonal, local food.
    Some believe Trusted Source food is better for
    the body when consumed raw, rather than cooked.
  • Treatments a naturopathic doctor may
    offer include Trusted Source
  • diet and nutrition recommendations
  • behavioral change, such as exercise and lifestyle
  • homeopathy, a type of natural medicine
  • hydrotherapy, which is water-based treatment
  • manipulative therapy, for instance, putting
    pressure on certain parts of the body to
    establish balance
  • herbal dietary supplements
  • detoxification
  • psychotherapy

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YOGAa Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a
part of which, including breath control, simple
meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily
postures, is widely practiced for health and
  • Yoga yuj which means to unite
  • Spiritual Science developed in India
  • Modern day - Asanas, Pranayama related to
    physical fitness and therapy
  • Basic Principles
  • Pancha - kosha / 5 sheaths
  • Balancing of nadis

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Ashtanga / Raja Yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Jnana Yoga
  • Laya Yoga
  • Mantra Yoga

  • Compared to being an allopath
  • Uses natural elements , no side effects of drugs
    or antibiotics
  • Simple home remedies
  • Patient Centric Approach
  • Also Teaches the Doctor to live in a natural way
  • Less hectic, less dealing with blood
  • Non invasive and non surgical
  • Limited mostly to lifestyle disorders
  • Focuses on Prevention and cure
  • Helps to remove the root cause of disease rather
    than treatment of symptoms
  • Does not prescribe drugs except in cases of minor

  • Cure is longer or slower, sometimes not possible
  • Does not treat emergencies, severe infections
  • Few Researches published, less popular
  • People/ allopaths are often skeptical because of
    lack of adequate scientific base
  • Stiff competition with Ayurveda, Homeopathy and
  • Some Patients visit Nature-cure centre after most
    other treatments have failed or as a last resort

Types of Yoga Asanas and Benefits Trikon
Asana Trikon asana is also known as a triangle
pose. It stretches the legs, torso and promotes
deep breathing. This Asana practice improves
balance and increases concentration. This
triangle posture of yoga beneficial for the
flexibility of the spine and improve the
alignment of the body. Trikon asana is beneficial
for removing extra fat from the body mainly from
the thighs and waist. Bal Asana Child pose (Bal
asana) helps to strengthen the muscles of thighs,
ankles, and hips. It is also known for resting
pose which gives relief to the hip, neck, and
back. This child pose asana increases blood
circulation, calms the brain and helps in
alleviating stress and fatigue. Bal asana is one
of the beneficial asanas for compressing the
pelvis and the vata region. Adho Mukha
Svanasana Another name of this asana yoga
practice is a downward dog yoga pose that
stretches the hamstrings and strengthens the
arms. This yoga posture helps to calms the mind
with fresh oxygen. Adho Mukha Svanasana asana is
also beneficial for relieving pain in the upper,
middle, lower back and strengthens the arms and
legs. This yoga practice provides blood flow to
the head and will leave you feeling
energized. Sukh Asana This asana is one of the
easiest yoga practice but it provides many health
benefits for the body. It is also named as an
easy pose asana. Sukh asana provides relief from
menstrual pain for women during menstruations.
It plays an important role in improving stress,
anxiety and mental tiredness.
  • Nature Cure Doctor
  • Naturopathy Lecturer / Yoga Teacher
  • Research Scholar wide base and tremendous
  • Open your own Nature-Cure Clinic / OPD
  • Work at a Nature cure Hospital or partner with a
    multi-speciality hospital
  • Manage a Spa or Yoga Studio or work in Ship
  • Further specialise after BNYS in
  • Acupunture, Massage, Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • Study Abroad in Canada, USA, China, Japan,
    Australia, Europe as doctors or teachers in
    Alternative/ Complementary or Oriental medicine.

  • General practice in clinics with minimum
    infrastructure, Physicians in Government and
    Private Hospitals
  • Employment in the National Rural Health Mission
    (NRHM) under AYUSH, in all the states of India as
  • Academician's Research Scholars, Scientists in
    various Government and Non Government
  • Specialty Clinics - Special Clinics targeting
    individual disorders like Obesity, Stress,
    Allergy, Lifestyle, De-addiction, Back Pain, Diet
    Counseling, Rehabilitation (Medical, Psychiatry
    and Postsurgical), etc.
  • Stress Management, Lifestyle Management
    Consultants in Corporate Hospitals, Holistic
    Wellness Centers
  • Spa managers and Spa Therapists in various Hotel
    Industry as well as resorts both in India and
  • Stress Management consultants for IT companies
    various industry employees as well as corporate

relaxation Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is
an effective stress-relieving practice. It
involves clenching and releasing isolated muscle
groups one at a time. You can do this exercise
almost everywhere, and it can offer you benefits
immediately. When incorporating this relaxation
technique into your daily routine, consider doing
it this way Step 1 Sit comfortably or lie down.
Breathe slowly and deeply. Step 2 Pick one
muscle group. You can start from the bottom
up. Step 3 Tense the selected muscles as much as
you can and hold 5 to 10 seconds. Step 4 Release
the muscle group progressively until fully
relaxed. Step 5 Pause for 10 seconds and focus
on how that part of the body feels. Step
6 Repeat steps 1 through 5 with the next muscle
group. Step 7 Do steps 1 through 4 with every
muscle group you want to work with. Guided
imagery You may want to do this at the start of
your day or before bedtime. Try to avoid doing it
at times when you need to be fully alert. Its
also important to choose a time of the day when
you wont get interrupted by people, devices, or
loud noises. Step 1 Sit in a comfortable
position or lie down with eyes closed.Step
2 Start breathing slowly and deeply. Step
3 Pick a mental image that soothes you. This can
be a pleasant memory or pure imagination.Step
4 To intensify the experience, try to bring your
five senses to the image you have thought of
Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential
oils for therapeutic benefit. Aromatherapy has
been used for centuries. When inhaled, the scent
molecules in essential oils travel from the
olfactory nerves directly to the brain and
especially impact the amygdala, the emotional
center of the brain.
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