Title: frankdevid
1To Know The Uses Of Emotive Language
Being a writer or student, you want to persuade
the readers with your writing. But sometimes you
dont know what exact words you need to use in
your writing whether in the academic assignment
or other forms of writing. In this scenario, the
use of emotive language plays an important role
to bring out the emotions in readers. An emotive
language is a powerful tool by the writers that
help readers agree with their points. It makes
the writing engaging from the readers
perspective. Every student must aware of the use
of emotive language and what are good examples of
emotive language because it helps in writing
their academic assignments. Have you heard of
emotive language? Are you confused related to
this topic what is emotive language? Emotive
language is the subtle use of words that creates
targeted feelings and emotions in the minds of
the listeners. Poets use it to convey their
thoughts to capture the attention of the readers
in an effective way. Politicians use it to sway
public opinions in their favor. Advertisements
use it to persuade people to consume their
product. There is no segment of human life where
its use its usage is not found. 1. Several
innocent civilians lost their lives in the
meaningless world war. 2. In the above
sentence innocent and meaningless are examples of
emotive words. 3. Wars create homeless orphans
who die at the hand of merciless hunger. 4.
Merciless is the perfect example of emotive
language. 5. He begged the masses to vote for
him to bring countrywide change in the field of
learning. 6. Begged is another example that
appeals to the public emotions to cast their vote
for a particular person. What is Emotive
Language? Emotive language is words that can
create the emotion of anger, joy, sorrow
acceptance, or disapproval of the writer in their
writing. It creates interest for the readers and
makes the writing more fascinating. Language is
the best t way to present thoughts and feelings.
By using an appropriate word of emotion you can
convey your message to the people and make the
communication stronger with them. As a writer,
you must know the specific words that can hold
the audience with your writing. Once you learn
the use of language in writing you can easily
influence the readers or audience.
2The Uses of Emotive Language in Writing
Emotive language is such a place where you want
to connect the audience emotionally with the
content. It can be in a variety of ways in
English literature or conversation. You have
watched the news on TV or in newspapers, and the
use of examples of emotive language in the
headlines attracts the reader. For instance, the
criminal brutally murdered the poor people after
looting them. In this example, the phrase
brutally murdered and poor victim are in the
sentence as emotive language that engages the
readers. Also Read - What Do You Mean By An
Argumentative Essay? Where Can Be Used the
Emotive Language? Poems Emotion is the base of
poetry. Poetry expresses the deepest emotions of
joy, sorrow, etc. Therefore, the use of language
in poetry makes it more pleasant in
sound. Promotions Today promotion has become
important for every product in an organization.
The use of language creates a strong appealing
way to attract the customer to the product or
service. Books Most people like to read books,
novels, magazines, etc. Here, the writers use
emotive language to bring out the emotion of joy,
sadness, anger, and other emotions to engage the
readers with the content. Advertising
trademarks In the marketing of products, there
are many advertisements are used. The use of
language incorporates the emotion that helps to
attract the customer to the product. It makes a
good impact on the sale and development of brand
value. The customers personally connect with the
advertisement in which the language is used and
purchase the product. Public announcements The
public announcement is the proclamation for the
people. The use of language in speech or
announcement strikes the mind of the audience and
they immediately take
3relevant action in response to a particular
thing. The speech of the leader is the most
common example of using language. Films and
Dramas The scripts of dramas and films include
the emotion of love, hatred, joy, anger, sadness,
etc. The use of language makes it more engrossing
from the audiences perspective. Brief
description of the emotive language Whether its
a literary genre or advertisement, public speech
or political address people use examples of
emotive language to create strong emotions in the
mind of audience. To persuade public to do
something or bring reformation in a society
writers employs emotive language to achieve the
desired goals. It is used in speeches, debates,
theatrical performances, even in creative and
fictional writing. Importance of emotive language
in our life So we will discuss emotive language
to get the proper idea of its importance in our
life. Emotive language is the use of eloquent and
descriptive words mostly adjectives that evoke
emotional responses in the purveyor. It can be
partial and biased loaded with the personal
opinions that may be easier to understand but
subtly sway the opinion of someone. Its a
powerful weapon in the hands of scholars who can
use rhetoric to catalyze public emotions in a
certain direction. Either they can turn people
into an organized force to achieve the superior
goals for human progress or deviate them to do
heinous crimes against each other. The best use
of the emotive language can be to mobilize masses
to achieve higher aims of progress for whole
humanity. Tactics that comes under subtle art of
emotive language The big journey of change starts
with small and effective language process and art
of using it in appropriate way. Their use holds a
certain weight that is hard to avoid. We have
various types of emotive words which fall under
the category of parts of speech and literary
devices. It is important for everyone to learn
the art of language to put their idea
impressively to persuade people in his
favor. Examples of common emotive
words Adjectives- wonderful, magical, tragic,
appalling, enigmatic, Abstract nouns- terror,
love, pride, freedom, justice Emotive adverbs-
defiantly, angrily, proudly, beautifully,
4Examples of emotive language in daily life
An innocent passerby was killed in cold blood in
the city center of Chicago The word innocent and
killed and the phrase in cold blood are the uses
of emotive language. A monster man defiled the
purity of a young girl The word monster defiled
the purity are the good examples of the emotive
language. In each example the emotive words
arent used to convey a fact. But, it creates an
emotional response in the mind of listeners. The
effect of emotive language in different ways It
is used to cause an emotional effect on the
audience. It can cause the masses to act in a
particular way Manipulation of masses through
emotive language is a specific form of speaking
thats called rhetoric. Mostly demagogue and
political leader use such language to drive
masses in certain directions or to get their vote
and support If it is overused it may become
ineffective and lose the grasp on the people. It
should be used when there is a purpose and this
purpose is beneficial for the public
good. Conclusion Emotive language plays an
important to attract the readers to the content
or writing with the use of such words that
creates the emotion of joy, love, hatred,
happiness, etc. Source URL - Ultimate Guide To
Know The Uses Of Emotive Language