Words%20Paint%20a%20Thousand%20Pictures:%20Analyzing%20Writer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Words Paint a Thousand Pictures: Analyzing Writer s Craft Presented by: Kelly Philbeck kelly.philbeck_at_education.ky.gov – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Words%20Paint%20a%20Thousand%20Pictures:%20Analyzing%20Writer

Words Paint a Thousand Pictures Analyzing
Writers Craft
  • Presented by Kelly Philbeck
  • kelly.philbeck_at_education.ky.gov

Meeting Materials are on www.kellyphilbeck.com
Craft of Artists
  • Analyze the following two paintings and jot down
    some similarities and some differences that you
  • What similarities do you notice about the
    artists techniques?
  • What differences do you see in
  • the artists style?

Compare and Contrast
Grant Woods American Gothic
Edvard Munchs The Scream
Writers CraftWords Paint a Thousand Pictures
What is Writers Craft?
  • Craft is the art of writing. It is the writers
    intentional use of the following to create an
    effect on the reader
  • figurative language
  • snapshots/imagery/details
  • thought-shots
  • word choice/word placement
  • sound/dialogue
  • sentence structure/stylistic devices
  • text features
  • text structure

Writers Craft Encompasses
  • Style
  • Tone
  • Voice
  • Audience Awareness
  • Structure/Organization
  • Technique

Categories of Craft
  • Word Craftcareful, deliberate word choice
  • Structural Craftorganizational features
  • Audible Craftsound choices
  • Visual Craftprint features
  • Laminack Ray

Word Craft
  • Deliberate, artful choice of words Ray 1999
  • Figurative language
  • Word Choice
  • Vivid verbs
  • Imagery
  • Details

Structural Craft
  • Organizational Framework of the Writing Ray
  • Text structure
  • Paragraph types
  • Transitional devices
  • Parallel structure
  • Repetition
  • Page Layout/White Space

Audible Craft
  • Language that Lingers Laminack 2007
  • Noticed without even seeing the print Laminack
  • Alliteration
  • Assonance
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Rhythm
  • Cadence
  • Hard/Soft Sounds

Visual Craft
  • Thoughtful, artful placement of text on a page
    Laminack 2007
  • Must be seen to be noticed Laminack 2007
  • Print Features (bold, italics, fonts,
  • Line breaks
  • White space
  • Graphicspictures, illustrations, charts, maps

Build a Quality Instructional Ladder
  • Preparing for the Task
  • Reading Processes
  • Transition to Writing
  • Writing Processes
  • Formative Assessment Rungs
  • SA, ER, ODW

ELA 8th Grade
  • RL.8.4
  • Determine the meaning of words and phrases as
    they are used in a text, including figurative and
    connotative meanings analyze the impact of
    specific word choices on the meaning and tone,
    including analogies or allusions to other texts.

ELA 8th Grade
  • L.8.5
  • Demonstrate understanding of figurative language,
    word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
  • A. Interpret figures of speech in context.
  • B. Use the relationship between particular words
    to better understand each of the words.

Task 21Informational/Analysis
  • How does figurative language impact the meaning
    and tone of writing? After reading a variety of
    poetry, song lyrics, and narrative texts, write
    an literary analysis in which you analyze how the
    authors use of figurative language impacts the
    meaning and tone of the texts, providing examples
    to clarify your analysis.
  • 8th ELA

Build a Quality Instructional Ladder
  • Preparing for the Task
  • Reading Processes
  • Transition to Writing
  • Writing Processes
  • Formative Assessment Rungs
  • SA, ER, ODW

Analyzing Writers Craft
  • Lets analyze for Literary Devices and Figurative
  • First, read over your cheat sheet!
  • Take a moment to refresh your memory of literary
    devices figurative language.

NowBeyonces Halo
  • Listen to the song.
  • As you listen, underline ANY literary devices or
    figurative language that you see.
  • ONLY underline the devices/language!

Figurative Language Refresher
  • Remember figurative language is language that
    cannot be taken literally.
  • For example,
  • Line 1 Remember those walls I built
  • Is Beyoncé known for traveling the United States
    with a hard hat, bricks and mortar, building
  • NO! As listeners, we have to make inferences of
    her intended meaning by analyzing her use of
    figurative language.

Beyonces Experience with Walls
  • Beyoncé's Halo
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vVyR7yoDBQSg

Halo x 2
  • Now that youve underlined examples of literary
    devices and figurative language, were going to
    listen to Halo again.
  • This time, as youre listening, use your list of
    terms to LABEL each item that you have
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vVyR7yoDBQSg

  • What evidence of literary devices/figurative
    language did you find in the lyrics?
  • Quote them. (Claim them!)
  • Label them. (Name them!)
  • Explain the authors purpose. (Frame them!)
  • Why did Beyoncé and her co-authors choose to use
    those literary/figurative language devices?
  • What do the devices mean?

Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Remember those walls I built

Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Remember those walls I built wallsmetaphor

Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Remember those walls I built wallsmetaphor To show that shes been hurt before and is guarding her emotions/ heart
Now, its your turn!

Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Remember those walls I built wallsmetaphor To show that shes been hurt before and is guarding her emotions/ heart
they didnt even put up a fight personification To show that she is really in love now, not fighting it
I got my angel now metaphor and/or allusion To show emotional significance of new love
Build a Quality Instructional Ladder
  • Preparing for the Task
  • Reading Processes
  • Transition to Writing
  • Writing Processes

Task 19 Informational/Synthesis
  • How can consumers make smart financial decisions?
    After reading informational texts on consumer
    spending, write an article for our classroom
    consumerism magazine in which you explain how to
    make smart financial decisions. Support your
    discussion with evidence from the texts.
  • 6th Life Skills/SS Economics

Big Idea Consumer Decisions6th Grade Life Skills
  • Academic Expectations
  • 2.30 Students evaluate consumer products and
    services and make effective consumer decisions.
  • 2.33 Students demonstrate the skills to evaluate
    and use services and resources available in their
  • 4.4 Students demonstrate the ability to accept
    the rights and responsibilities for self and
  • 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to
    make informed decisions among options.

Big Idea Economics
  • Students need to understand how their economic
    decisions affect them, others, the nation and the
  • The purpose of economic education is to enable
    individuals to function effectively both in their
  • Academic Expectations
  • 2.18 Students understand economic principles and
    are able to make economic decisions that have
    consequences in daily living. 6th
    Economics/Life Skills

Bridging with Writers Craft
  • Analyzing Writers Craft is essential to modeling
    the type of writing product you want students to
  • If you want an article, analyze how professional
    writers craft articles.
  • If you want a science lab report, analyze
    scientific writers craft science lab reports.
  • If you want a historical analysis essay, analyze
    how professional writers craft historical essays.

Build a Quality Instructional Ladder
  • Preparing for the Task
  • Reading Processes
  • Transition to Writing
  • Writing Processes

Writers Craft Text Features
  • 3 Papers in front of you
  • Writers Craft Text Features Sheet
  • 3 Column Chart (separate sheet)
  • How to Keep a Lid on Holiday Spending article

Lets Analyze Text Features in an Article
  • Step 1 Skim over your Writers Craft Text
    Features definitions list
  • Step 2 Look at your article
  • How to Keep a Lid on Holiday Spending
  • Step 3 Underline any text features you see
  • Step 4 Label the text features
  • Step 5 Complete the Writers Craft chart

Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Lady carrying lots of shopping bags
How to Keep a Lid on Holiday Spending
Savvy tips for giving great gifts to everyone on your list--without breaking the bank.
Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Lady carrying lots of shopping bags Picture/graphic
How to Keep a Lid on Holiday Spending Main Title
Savvy tips for giving great gifts to everyone on your list--without breaking the bank. Sub Title
Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Lady carrying lots of shopping bags Picture/graphic To illustrate how over-shopping/ over-spending during the holidays can weigh you down
How to Keep a Lid on Holiday Spending Main Title To catch/draw in the readers interest/attention
Savvy tips for giving great gifts to everyone on your list--without breaking the bank. Sub Title To further explain the main title and the purpose of the article
Notice pic is not Santa or Money
Find 3 More Examples of Text Features and Work
Through Your Writers Craft Chart
Writers Craft Evidence
Writers Craft Text Features
  • 3 Papers in front of you
  • Writers Craft Evidence
  • 3 Column Chart (separate sheetflip over to
    analyze for evidence)
  • How to Keep a Lid on Holiday Spending article

Be More Specific
  • Knowing evidence is important

With Your Group
  • Step 1 Take a moment to read the list of the 25
    types of evidence writers commonly use.
  • Step 2 Highlight/underline evidence in How to
    Keep a Lid on Holiday Spending
  • Step 3 Label evidence as the appropriate type
    from the list of 25 (some may serve multiple
  • Step 4 Work through your Writers Craft Chart

Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Tis the season not only to be joly but to buy, explains Esther M. Berger
Nearly 15 of all Christmas gifts are returned.
The average American spends over 700
Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Tis the season not only to be joly but to buy, explains Esther M. Berger Quote from a Reliable Source
Nearly 15 of all Christmas gifts are returned. Percentages
The average American spends over 700 References to Money
Analyzing Writers Craft
Claim It! Quote from the Work Name It! Label the Device/Technique Frame It! Explain/Analyze Authors Purpose
Tis the season not only to be joly but to buy, explains Esther M. Berger Quote from a Reliable Source The quote from the financial planner provides credibility
Nearly 15 of all Christmas gifts are returned. Percentages
The average American spends over 700 References to Money
Find 3 More Examples of Evidence and Work Through
Your Writers Craft Chart
Tips for Use
  • I have students analyze writers craft on most
    everything we read.
  • We started small
  • Only looked at literary devices/figurative
    language for period of time
  • Used with Lit Circles
  • Students created our definition sheet
  • Then we analyzed for stylistic devices, then text
    structure, etc. to build our writers eyes.

Tips for Use
  • I have students analyze writers craft on most
    everything we read.
  • We keep craft sheets in sheet protectors in the
    middle of their 3 pronged writing folders.
  • We refer back to craft findings for prewriting
    AND revision of writing.

  • Ray, Katie Wood. Wondrous Words. Urbana, IL
    NCTE, 1999.
  • Laminack, Lester. Cracking Open Authors Craft.
    New York Scholastic, 2007.

Meeting Materials are on www.kellyphilbeck.com
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