Title: Cherry Bark Powder
1Cherry Bark Powder
2- Prunus serotina is a tree. Its bark, fruits,
flowers are used for many purposes. - It promotes the heart health.
- It contains potent ingredients in it which are
beneficial for the body.
3The bark is also about 1/2 hydrogen cyanide,
just enough to stop coughing and to relax the
bronchial tubes without having any other
physiological effects. All stone fruits contain
very low levels of hydrogen cyanide in their bark
and pits.
4The most popular way to use wild cherry bark is
in an herbal syrup where it can be used on its
own or with other cough-supportive herbs. You can
also use the dried herb to make wild cherry bark
tea by simmering it with water for 10-15 minutes
or use it as a tincture.
5Cherry Bark Powder for these uses
The bark is used to make medicine. Wild cherry is
used for colds, whooping cough, bronchitis and
other lung problems diarrhea gout digestive
disorders pain and cancer. It is also used in
cough syrups because of its sedative,
expectorant, drying, and cough-suppressing
6Contact Us
Jeeva Organic Pvt. Ltd. https//bulksale.jeevaorga
nic.com/ Email sales_at_jeevaorganic.com Address
DCB-705, 7thFloor, DLF Cybercity, Infocity,
BBSR-751024, India Phone IN 91 720-531-1616
USA 1 702-983-7158
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