Title: Public Education Ordinance
1Public Education Ordinance
2How can we quickly move towards a plant-based
food system? This is the inevitable question for
those who care about our environment, animals,
public health, as well as social and racial
equity. We only have 6-11 years' of global carbon
budget left for 1.5C temperature target.
Meanwhile, billions of land animals continue to
be brutally killed for human consumption, while
marginalized communities fall victim to the
injustices and environmental harms from
industrial agriculture. U.S. cities are now
starting to recognize the social and
environmental impact of animal factory farming
and many have adopted plant-based policies for
cities food procurement programs. This
commitment can be applied to establishing public
education campaign on the benefits of sustainable
dietary choices.
3Therefore, Cultivate Empathy for All has drafted
an Ordinance for Public Education Campaign that
focuses on sharing the health, environmental and
animal welfare benefits of plant-based foods with
the community.
4If you are interested in advocating for this
ordinance to your City Council, please contact us
at nilang_at_cultivateempathyforall.org.
Source Link Public Education Ordinance Contact
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5 Cultivate Empathy for All
Berkeley, California, United States 1 (858)
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