Title: candyville123 (1)
1History of Candy
Candy is made by dissolving sugar in water or
milk to form syrup. The final texture of candy
depends on the different levels of temperatures
and sugar concentrations. Hot temperatures make
hard candy, medium heat make soft candy and cool
temperatures make chewy candy. The English word
''candy'' is in use since the late 13th century
and it derives from Arabic qandi, meaning ''made
of sugar''.
Candy Origin and History
Candy Facts
The origin of candy can be traced to the ancient
Egyptians who combining fruits and nuts with
honey. Around the same time, Greeks used honey to
make candied fruits and flowers. First modern
candies were made in 16th century and sweet
manufacturing developed rapidly into an industry
during the early 19th century.
Sweets as we know them today have been around
since the 19th century. Candy making has
developed rapidly in the last hundred years.
Today people spend more than 7 billion a year on
chocolate. Halloween is the holiday with the
highest candy sales, about 2 billion is spent on
candies during this holiday.