Title: Affirmative Action Plan Services
1First Advantage Consulting Firm
2What we offer
Affirmative Action Plan Services
We are a team of either retired or former OFCCP
Senior Compliance Officers dedicated to
recognizing and preventing company violations.
3AAP Consulting
First Advantage Consulting Firm the most trusted
firm in the industry provides comprehensive
Affirmative Action Plan compliance services to
various organizations and industries globally.
4Cloud Base AAP
Our web-based AAPs/iPlans contain everything
necessary to comply with OFCCP regulations.....
5EEO Consulting
EEO CONSULTANTS offers Equal Employment
Opportunity Seminars, Affirmative Action Programs
and other personnel compliance services. Our
training programs are....
6OFCCP Mock Desk Audit
This is where our experience as former OFCCP
auditors really shines. The OFCCP Mock Desk Audit
is a two-tier process... Call for more details!
7OFCCP Audit Litigation Support
Every year OFCCP issues thousands of scheduling
letters. FACF has successfully closed 100 of
every audit that our clients have received in
every region throughout the U.S.
8360 AAP HCM Solutions
One-of-a-kind Affirmative Action compliance
solution. Industry leading technology for the HR
component of your company. Ask for a DEMO today!.
9 First Advantage Consulting Firm
Atlanta, GA, USA Email ID contact-us_at_facfllc.co
m Ph No 1-800-698-1084 Fax No770-429-0026