Title: Farmer Schedule by Food Crowd
1Day in Life of a Food Crowd Farmer
2Farmers strive out in their fields and tunnels
on any given day, making sure to provide us
with food. There is more to a farmers job than
just planting the seed here is an insider to
a day in the life of one of our farmers
- agriculture has been one of the most neglected
parts when it comes to awareness, while it is
also the most important when it comes to
surviving. - A day that begins before sunrise, has to be a
great one! Being a farmer, schedule revolves
around work time from 530 AM to 1130 AM. After
some rest, they gets back to the grind and works
from 300 PM to 600 PM a routine that starts
with the hustle and ends with one too.
4Farmer Schedule
530 AM Rise and shine! The day often starts
by opening up tunnels and greenhouses to give a
breath of fresh air to the crops. A daily
checklist is prepared to get started with the
day in a planned manner.
630 AM Time for crops to get hydrated! In
times of extreme weather like drought or heat,
irrigation is crucial. Food Crowd farms are
technologically advanced, however, our farmers
love to put a personal touch with hand watering
the fields often.
5Farmer Schedule
730 AM Food Crowd farmers follow the organic
farming practices, therefore, an enormous amount
of their time is devoted to weeding.
630 AM Time for crops to get hydrated! In
times of extreme weather like drought or heat,
irrigation is crucial. Food Crowd farms are
technologically advanced, however, our farmers
love to put a personal touch with hand watering
the fields often.
6Farmer Schedule
830 AM Harvesting is where our farmers are the
most excited! Collecting ones hard work and
seeing it bloom beautifully is something all of
us should be grateful for. 10 AM Once the
produce has been harvested, its time to wash
and package it all up for transport.
- PM Chances are, something else needs weeding.
Lets get back to work. - PM Protecting plants from pests
- is very important, therefore each crop is given
individual attention. 6 PM The sunset is near
and the weather gets pleasant, its where the
farmers say goodbye to their fields and head off
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