Title: Biosecurity for backyard poultry flocks
1Biosecurity for backyard poultry flocks
2The Proteon Phage Development Platform PROTEONS
proprietary Phage Development Platform contains
tools and processes honed from more than 10 years
of RD experience in bacteriophages. Our products
are developed using bioinformatics, Artificial
Intelligence, genomic sequencing, materials
engineering and molecular biology.
3Effective biosecurity program and awareness
around the development and maintenance of
Biosecurity program is the need of the hour to
reduce the consequences of diseases outburst in
poultry farms. If poultry farm owners install
effective biosecurity on poultry farm, it will
help them ensure the flock's safety from getting
infected with disease agents. It also creates a
safety net for you and your friends owning
poultry farms as you will be disease spreading
agent. Â If you follow these steps, you will
ensure the maximum safety of poultry farms.
 Insulation  Always try to keep the area
surrounding the house hygienic. Always trim the
grasses and, if possible, get rid of potential
shade to keep back animals and insects
approaching your poultry. Â Also, restrict
contact of wild birds and waterfowl with your
poultry farm. You can do it by discouraging the
accumulation of separate water body bear poultry
or limiting poultry accessibility to free water
bodies like ponds. Â
4Take steps to reduce contact with other poultry
like swap meets. If you think it is unavoidable
to restrict contact with poultry, you should
ensure suitable sanitation, which is vital to
reduce transference. Â Always try to ignore dead
wild birds if you find wild birds who need
immediate treatment to be prone to infectious
diseases, treat and dispose of the bird properly.
 Traffic control  Reduce control - to reduce
traffic, and it is advisable to restrict visits
to other poultry farms/livestock farms. We should
limit transporting tools and equipment. Before
using the tools, you should rigorously disinfect
the devices. Â Always make sure to create
distance between chickens and people by locking
the gates. Â Interrogate your visitors whether
they have touched any poultry. If they say yes,
advise them to stay away from poultry. Â
5Try to use a neat and clean foot protector and
cover your head and tell visitors to protect
themselves as well.  Disinfecting  You should
carefully handle manure as it's home to several
diseases for disinfecting, spray sanitizer on
waste and get rid of them. Â Identifying warning
signs- Always keep aside some time for your
chicken to understand their character. It's a
necessary step to identify sick birds
effortlessly. Â Â Conclusion Biosecurity on
poultry farms comprises four significant steps,
i.e., insulation. , Control agent, cleaning and
identifying warning signs. Practically speaking,
it's tough to carry out all of these steps