Title: European Commission
1Avian Influenza Legislation and current
Situationin the European Union
- European Commission
- Directorate General for Health and Consumer
Protection - Avian Influenza in the EU
- Legislation, Outbreak Management and Decision
Making - ASEM Workshop
- Beijing, 12-14 November 2007
- Control measures for Avian Influenza
- Additional measures for subtype HPAI H5N1
- AI Surveillance and Situation in 2007 (as of
12/10) - Vaccination
- Financing
- Conclusions
3EU Control Measures - Directive 2005/94/EC
- Applicable as of 1 July 2007
- Notification and measures for LPAI H5 and H7
- Measures differ for HPAI and LPAI
- Scope Poultry and other captive birds
- Stamping out (including pre-emptive culling)
- derogations possible - (endangered species, zoo
birds, etc.) - Zoning at 3km and 10km radius with movement
restrictions for live poultry, poultry products
(fresh meat, eggs, manure), vehicles, persons
- Census-identification of poultry holdings
- Increased biosecurity
- Veterinary clinical examinations of all poultry
holdings - Derogations from movement restrictions possible
after assessment of epidemiological situation and
examinations at holding - Collection of samples for laboratory
investigations (gtLPAI) - to assess further spread
- to authorise derogations from movement
5 HPAI H5N1 in poultry Decision 2006/415/EC
- Area A (higher risk) includes
- 3km protection 10km surveillance zone
established by the Directive - Area B (lower risk) - buffer zone around
- Provides for additional detailed restrictions, in
particular for by-products (game trophies, manure
products, untreated feathers, pet food etc.) - Area description published in Official Journal of
the EU - Transparency for other MS and trading partners
Buffer zone Area B
Protection Zone
3 km
10 km
Surveillance Zone
7EU Control Measures - Directive 2005/94/EC
- Additional laboratory investigations in pigs
(mixed holdings) and if appropriate in other
mammals - Cleaning disinfection
- Legal basis for routine surveillance in poultry
and wild birds - Emergency and preventive vaccination
- Community and National Reference Laboratories -
Diagnostic Manual - National contingency plans (1/9/2007)
8Biosecurity in poultry farms Decision 2005/734/EC
- Identification of high risk areas for HPAI
introduction in (MS) - - migratory flyways, poultry/wild bird density,
season, experience - - continued review based on risk assessment
- Prevention of contact between wild and domestic
birds - - confinement or protection by
coverings/netting - - no use of surface water, prevention of feed
contamination - Early detection systems prompt reporting in
poultry farms - lt water/feed intake, production data, egg
drop,gt morbidity/mortality)
9Example of higher Risk Areas in Spain
10HPAI H5N1 in wild birds Decisions 2005/731/EC
(1) 2006/563/EC (2)
- Notification of increased wild bird
morbidity/mortality - 2) Establishment of Control Monitoring areas
- Size/shape of area (along rivers, lake/seas
shores) and duration of measures decided on basis
of risk assessment, geographical and ecological
factors - Surveillance/Biosecurity heightened in poultry
farms to detect/prevent virus introduction - Restrictions on movements of live poultry,
hatching eggs, fresh poultry meat, by-products - Ban on hunting, bird gatherings and game bird
11AI surveillance
- Surveillance programmes according to revised
harmonised guidelines in poultry and wild birds
are co-financed by the Commission - July 2005-Dec 2006 2.9 M
- 2007 2,5 M
- Dead wild bird surveillance provided in most
cases early warning for subsequent poultry
outbreaks - (2006 - F, SE, DK, HU, not DE)
- Not in HU and UK in 2007!!!
12Avian flu in the EU - 2007
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16New EU rules for AI vaccination
- Since entering into force of Directive 2005/94/EC
on 3 February 2006 new legal basis for
vaccination can already be used - Emergency Vaccination
- Preventive Vaccination
- Establishment of vaccine banks (national and EU)
- Community approved vaccines by accelerated EMEA
procedure - 2 inactivated vaccines (H5N2 and H5N3 )
17New EU rules for AI vaccination (contd)
- Submission of vaccination plan according to DIVA
strategy - Plan must describe disease situation, risk
factors, area, number of holdings/birds to be
vaccinated, species, vaccine characteristics,
envisaged duration - Formal approval by Commission Decision after
opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food
Chain and Animal Health (SCoFCAH)
18Emergency vaccination
Short term measure - on basis of a risk
assessment concluding that there is a significant
and immediate threat of avian influenza
introduction or spread posed by (a) an outbreak
within that Member State (b) an outbreak in a
nearby Member State or third country
19Vaccination Provisions for movements
- Movement restrictions for live poultry, day-old
chicks, eggs for hatching or consumption, fresh
poultry meat - within, into and towards outside the vaccination
area - in particular when moved to other MS
- Re-enforced cleaning disinfection of transport
means - Requirements for emergency vaccination as laid
down in Directive are applicable until adaptation
to national situation and after review at the
20Vaccination Intensified surveillance
- Clinical and laboratory testing in vaccinated
holdings and other holdings located in emergency
vaccination area to monitor - - epidemiological situation
- effectiveness of vaccination campaign
- authorised movements of vaccinated birds
- Serology in sentinel birds, unvaccinated birds
and for efficacy control in vaccinated birds - Diva test(iIFA) in vaccinated birds/sentinels
- PCR, virus isolation in vaccinated birds,
sick/dead birds
21Preventive vaccination
Long term measure based on outcome of a risk
assessment concluding that certain areas of the
MS territory, types of poultry husbandry or
categories are at a specific risk for AI exposure
22Preventive vaccination plans for poultry
- Voluntary as alternative to confinement
- France ducks and geese flocks in free range in
areas at risk until mid 2006 - The Netherlands hobby (backyard flocks) and free
range layers in the whole country (to be
prolonged?) - Research orientated field study
- Germany (3 commercial holdings) until late 2008
- Densely populated poultry area
- Italy since 2000 mainly against LPAI H7, since
2004 bivalent vaccine, cease end 2006
23Preventive vaccination of zoo birds Decision
- Vaccination plans of 17 MS approved
- Biosecurity measures to avoid wild bird contact
- Individual identification
- Registration, reporting
- Serological testing prior and after vaccinations
- Movement restrictions and certification
- Administration and doses according to manufacturer
24Financing Council Decision 90/424/EEC
- Member States obtain financial support from the
Community - in case of an outbreak
- 50 of the value of the killed birds, eggs,
destroyed feed - 50 for cleaning, disinfection, destruction of
equipment - For Emergency vaccination plans
- 100 of vaccine cost
- 50 of costs for performing vaccination
- Preventive vaccination plans are not EU
- Major efforts have been made in the EU Member
States to prevent, early detect and contain AI in
particular HPAI H5N1 - Measures taken have so far successfully reduced
the impact of the disease on animal (and public)
health (no serious sickness or fatality in
humans!) - More flexible legislation allows adapting to
specific and evolving disease situations
26Thank you for your attention! For further
asures /avian/index_en.htm