Title: Risk Based Auditing
1Role of Data Analytics in Internal Audit
SoftSolutions (P) Ltd.
No. 70, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Arya Gowda Road, West
Mambalam , Chennai , Tamil Nadu 600033
2Role of Data Analytics in Internal Audit
Data Analytics plays an increasingly growing role
in Internal Audit at different stages in the
Audit Lifecycle. From planning, execution, and
reporting, data analytics is being applied to
achieve an effectively optimized process. To
know more about NCS Soft https//ncssoft.in/ Da
taAnalytics AI NCS Fintech eTHIC
NCS NCSSoft eAudit AuditTechnology FinTech
3About Us
NCSSoft is a product development company
primarily focused on developing products for the
financial sector. Completing a decade of
delivering comprehensive solutions for Banking
and media industries, NCSSoft is the preferred
Auditing solution provider for top financial
institutions across India. With a user base
exceeding 1 lac, we are poised to become a global
leader in the Auditing and Compliance space