Title: Importance of Sitemap For On-Page SEO
1Importance of Sitemap For On-Page SEO
2Google Crawlers
- A sitemap is an important part of any website
because it is a file which contains a list of all
the important pages of any website. The reason
for having all of them stored in one file XML
Sitemap is that it helps google crawlers to find
all the pages of your website at one place,
instead of discovering them via internal links.
and if the spiders are not able to crawl the
site, then the content will not get indexed, and
not get ranked in search engines results pages.
As a result of this, it will not generate
traffic, revenue, or advertising. So Sitemap is
very important for your website.
3This is how sitemap look like!
- lt?xml version1.0? encodingUTF-8??gt
- lturlset xmlnshttp//www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sit
emap/0.9?gt - lturlgt
- ltlocgthttp//www.example.com/lt/locgt
- ltlastmodgt2020-11-03lt/lastmodgt
- ltchangefreqgtdailylt/changefreqgt
- ltprioritygt0.8lt/prioritygt
- lt/urlgt
- lt/urlsetgt
4Benefits of Having a Sitemap for a Website?
- 1. Sitemap Organize Large Websites
- 2. Helps Google Crawlers to Find All the Pages
- 3. Enable Page Links in a Natural Way to Get More
51. Sitemap Organize Large Websites
Site map is a navigation tool of your website.
If your website contains different services or
products then the sitemap is a great way for
the person maintaining the sitemap to take stock
of every page.
62. Helps Google Crawlers to Find All the Pages
A sitemap is a blueprint of any website that help
search engines crawler to find, crawl and index
all of your website's content. Sitemaps also
tell search engines crawlers that which pages on
your Website are most important.
73. Enable Page Links in a Natural Way to Get
More Visitors
The HTML sitemap can reflect any visitors
journey and guide them from research to get
benefits of your services or purchase your
product. In doing so, this benefit of HTML
sitemaps can raise the organic search visibility
of linked pages.
Sitemaps are important for websites if you want
them to rank quickly. It is something that
doesnt take much time but increases the
effectiveness of the SEO process manifold.
9Contact us to Generate Traffic on Your website
Plot F-26, Phase 8, Industrial Area, Mohali
10Thank you