Title: Variations in Wedding Rings
1Variations In Wedding Rings
2Diamond Set Wedding Rings
Once youve chosen a wedding ring, you can get
started with the process of finding the perfect
diamond or any other precious gemstone. Lately,
diamond-set wedding rings are starting to gain
more and more popularity. They are more commonly
found in womens wedding ring design offering a
sparkly backdrop for the engagement ring.
3Shaped Wedding Rings
Once youve picked the metal, all you need to
look for is which shaped would be ideal as a
wedding gold ring design that would stay with you
for as long as you live. There is a wide range of
designs available in the market. These include
delicate curve, a pronounced Z-shape or a cut-out
in the ring.
Nowadays, there are couple rings available in the
market. These rings come majorly in titanium,
which is the perfect modern jewellery metal. It
comes with a strikingly different colour, is
scratch-resistant and feels light on the finger.
Other similar contemporary metals to titanium are
zirconium, black zirconium and tungsten carbide.
5White Yellow Gold
- The perfect choice for traditional brides and
grooms-to-be, yellow gold is known to be soft to
wear every day and is combined with stronger
metals to suit your routine. You could consider
buying a 18ct, 14ct or 9ct gold wedding ring. -
6Platinum Rings
Platinum wedding rings are gaining more and more
popularity with every passing day. It is
extremely tough and stands up well to everyday
wear and tear. Plus, it is known to be one of the
remarkable wedding ring metals. Its
budget-friendly alternative is palladium.
7Thank You