Title: Chap. 5 Signals and Noise, Chap. 6 Spectroscopy introduction
1Chap. 5 (Signals and Noise), Chap. 6
(Spectroscopy introduction)
- Signal to noise
- Source of noise
- Signal to noise enhancement
- Signal has the information of the analyte
- Noise is the extraneous information in the
information due to electronics, spurious
response, and random events - Signal to noise ratio
- Noise is generally constant and independent of
the signal - The impact of noise is greatest on the lowest
signal - The ratio of signal to noise is useful in
evaluating data
2Signal to Noise
- Value of the signal to noise can vary
- Values less than 3 make it hard to detect signal
3Sources of Noise
- Chemical Noise
- Uncontrollable variables affecting chemistry of
system under investigation - Change in equilibria due to variations
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Sample variation
- Humidity
4Source of Noise
- Instrumental Noise
- Thermal noise
- Shot noise
- Flicker
- Environmental noise
- Thermal noise
- Thermal agitation of electrons in electronics
- Boltzmanns equation
5Instrument Noise
- Based on Boltzmann
- R is resistance
- k is Boltzmanns constant
- 1.38E-23 J/K
- T in K
- f is frequency bandwith (1/3risetime)
- Relates to response time in instrument
- Shot Noise
- Electrons crossing a junction
- pn junction, anode and cathode
- Random events
- e 1.6e-19 C
6Instrument Noise
- Flicker Noise
- Inverse of signal frequency
- Important below 100 Hz
- Drift in instruments
- Environmental Noise
- Emanates from surroundings
- Electromagnetic radiation
7Signal to Noise Enhancement
- Hardware and software methods
- Hardware is based on instrument design
- Filters, choppers, shields, detectors, modulators
- Software allows data manipulation
- Grounding and Shielding
- Absorb electromagnetic radiation
- Prevent transmission to the equipment
- Protect circuit with conduction material and
ground - Important for amplification
- Difference and Instrumentation Amplifiers
- Subtraction of noise from a circuit
- Controlled by a single resistor
- Second stage subtracts noise
- Used for low level signal
- Analog filtering
- Uses a filter circuit
- Restricts frequency
- Modulation
- Changes low frequency signal to higher frequency
- Signal amplified, filter with a high pass filter,
demodulation, low pass filter - Signal Chopping
- Input signal converted to square wave by
electronic or mechanical chopper - Square wave normalizes signal
10Software Methods
- Ensemble Average
- Average of spectra
- Average can also be sum of collected spectra
- Boxcar average
- Average of points in a spectra
11Software Methods
12Digital Filtering
- Numerical methods
- Fourier transform
- Time collected data converted to frequency
- Least squares smoothing
- Similar to boxcar
- Uses polynomial for fit
- Correlation
13Chap. 6 Introduction to Spectrometric Methods
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Interaction with matter
- Quantum mechanical properties
- Electromagnetic radiation
- orthogonal in phase oscillations
14Wave Parameters
15Electromagnetic Spectrum
17X-ray Structure
- X-rays
- 0.01 to 100 angtroms
- 12 keV to 1 MeV
- Ionizing radiation
- Roentgen
- Gas discharge tube
- Detector with Ba/Pt CN
- Scintillator
18- In November of 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen (1845 -
1923) was working in his laboratory using a
Crookes tube (known in German as either a Hittorf
valve or a Hittorf-Crookes tube) when he noticed
that a sample of barium platinocyanide, which
accidentally lay on the table, gave off a
fluorescent glow. As the Crookes tube was covered
at the time, Roentgen was puzzled as to the
mechanism whereby the platinum compound was being
stimulated to glow. After carrying out a series
of exceptionally careful experiments, Roentgen
realized that the Crookes tube was emitting a new
kind of radiation which he described as "X-rays".
In investigating the penetrating ability of these
rays, Roentgen placed a photographic plate behind
his wife's hand and recorded the first x-ray
photo. In this figure, below, notice his wife's
wedding rings that stand out as dark rings.
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20Energy from X-ray
- From Cu
- 13.6(292)11.4 keV
- Based on Bohr atom
- Family of lines due to different levels
- Determination of elements
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- Measured 38 elements
- Measured emission spectra and found pattern
- Based on Z, not mass (Ar/K, Co/Ni, Te/I)
- Place lanthanides on periodic table
- 14 lanthanides
- Up to U there are 92 elements
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25X-ray Structure
- Review of cathode ray tube and nomenclature
- Determination of elements from X-rays
- Coolidge
- 1913
- Vacuum tube
- Reduction of collision with gas
- Reduce glow
- Heating Cathode
- Water cooling
- Shielding (Pb), Be windows
26X ray lines
Lines with continuum function of voltage Mo
BCC from bremstrallung
EqVeVE(photon)12400/V Ang Duane-hunt law
28Use x-ray to examine crystals
- Model atoms as mirrors
- Use classical optics
- Utilize interference
- Constructive and destructive
29X-ray diffraction
- Emission spectrum from x-ray generator
- Composite of 2 spectra
- Characteristic spectra
- Continuous spectra
- Calculate lines by Mosleys Law
30Braggs Law
Specifics conditions for interference Set of
reflections identifies structure
- Fixed wavelength, vary angle
- Powder specimen
- Grains act as single crystal
- Plot I vs angle
- At Bragg angle produce angle
32Data analysis
Normalize data to 1st sin2theta Clear
fractions Speculate on hkl Know wavelength from
source, solve for a
33Laue Technique
34Spot pattern
- For symmetry
- 2, 3, 4 fold symmetry
- May not work for thick specimen
- Backscatter and transmission
35Transmission of radiation
- Polarization
- Directional filtering of light
- Light will be scattered by larger molecules
- Radiation transfer to molecules
- Absorption spectroscopy
- Material consideration
- Glass, quartz, plastic
36Atomic Spectra
- Quantum numbers
- n1,2,3,4
- raon2/Z for gases with 1 electron
- Energy
- E-(mee4/8eo2h2)Z2/n2
- For ground state H
- E2.18E-18 J/atomk
- Can determine J/mole 1312 kJ/mole
- Energy goes as k/n2
- System converges to limit
- ninfinity, rinfinity , E0, unbound e-
- Ionization energy
- k is ionization energy
- Velocity
- vnh/2pmer
- Ionization energy
- Minimum energy required to remove electron from
atom in gas phase - Multiple ionization energies
38Balmer states
- Gas H in tube
- Four lines in visible region
- Fit lines
- 1/l(1/22-1/n2)R, R1.1E-7 m-1
- 1/ln (wavenumber)
- E1/2mev2eV (VVolts)
- At 1 V 1.6E-19 J eV
- K13.6 eV
39Matter energy interaction
- Eincident1/2mv2qV
- Escattered
- DE Eincident-Escattered
- DEkZ2(1/n2final-1/n2in)hnhc/l
- De-excitation of electron results in photon
emission - Corresponds to line emission
40Shell model and multielectrons
- Particle interaction
- Particle hits electron, electron has scatted
kinetic energy - EincEbindingEelectron scattered
- For ground state Ebinding is ionization energy
- Einc 0.5mv2
- DEtrans-kZ2D(1/n2)
- For photon Ehc/l
k/hc1.1e-7 m-1 R (Rydberg constant) Visible
light 400-700 nm (1.8 to 3.1 eV) Quantum
numbers n1,2,3,4 l0 to n-1 ml -l Spin-1/2
42Bohr Atom
- Net force on the electron is zero
- 0FdynamicFcoulombic
- 1/2mev2/rq1q2/4peor2
- Force is 1/r2
- Energy 1/r
- 1/2mev2/r-Ze2/4peor2
- Z is charge on nucleus
- Quantize energy through angular momentum
- mvrnh/2p, n1,2,3.
- Can solve for r, E, v
43Bohr radius
- R(eoh2/pmee2)(n2/Z)
- Radius is quantized and goes at n2
- R0.529 Å for Z1, n1
- Ao (Bohr radius)
44Photoelectric effect