Title: Withindie Process Variations:
1Within-die Process Variations How Accurately
Can They Be Statistically Modeled?
Wed Jan 23rd, ASPDAC08
Brendan Hargreaves Division of Engineering Brown
University Providence, RI 02912
Henrik Hult Division of Mathematics Brown
University Providence, RI 02912
Sherief Reda Division of Engineering Brown
University Providence, RI 02912
2Introduction to process variations
- Reasons for presence of process variations
- Inability to robustly print features sizes ?
130nm - Inability to precisely control the profile of the
- Manifestation of process variations
- In devices dopant fluctuations/profile, gate
length variations, LER - In interconnects litho-induced spatial
variations, CMP induced (dishing, erosion)
Inter-die process variations
Intra-die (within-die) process variations
3Impact of process variations
Process variations impact key electrical
parameters (delay and power) of ICs ? loss in
parametric yield and revenues of ICs
4Recent work on within-die process variation
- Friedberg and others (ISQED05)
- piece-wise linear correlation models and tested
on 35 chips - Bhardwaj and others (DAC06)
- Linear exponential models no testing on chips
- Xiong and others (ISPD06)
- exponential and generic model
- nonlinear optimization to calculate the model
parameters - no testing on chips
- Liu (DAC07)
- linear and exponential correlation models
- generalized least square fitting
- tested on 1 chip
- used variograms and kriging predictor to verify
statistical accuracy
5Objectives of this work
- Design a scalable process variation extraction
circuitry. Implement it and measure the process
variation from silicon chips in an economical
fashion. - Use statistical techniques to analyze and model
the measured process variation data. Verify the
accuracy of the analysis. - Develop techniques that generate synthetic
process variation patterns that mimic the
measured data.
6A. vMeter A scalable economical system for
process variation extraction
a ring oscillator block
example of measurements (chip 1)
RO period (ns)
vertical location
horizontal location
a scan chain of ring oscillator blocks
7A. vMeter tuning
- Only one RO is enabled at a time ? minimize the
load and noise on power supply network - Scan chains are interleaved ? minimize the
propagation from RO to the frequency counter - Scan chain is constructed in two orientations
(left to right and right to left) and the results
are averaged despite almost negligible difference - Tile size is tuned to minimize the measurement
noise and reduce measurement time
8B. Statistical analysis Introduction to
random fields
The measurement from a RO at a location l1 can be
considered a random variable D(l1)
The measurement from a RO at a location l2 can be
considered a random variable D(l2)
- The collection of random variables form a random
field where the variables can be indexed by their
spatial location - Is there correlation between the different random
variables in the field? - We assume the random field is stationary,
isotropic Gaussian field - variance ?2 of the random variable does not
depend on the location - covariance between between two locations (l1,
l2) depend only the distance between them
9B. Representing the correlations of a random field
covariance function
correlation function
scale parameter
10B. Examples of field correlations
Correlation between ROs as a function of distance
between them (chip 1)
11B. Proposed statistical modeling methodology
- Choose an appropriate correlation function model.
- Calculate the model parameters using
maximum-likelihood estimation from the
measurement data. - Verify the accuracy of the model using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and variograms.
12B.I. Specifying correlation functions to model
within-die process variations
Exponential model
Matérn model
is the lag or the distance between the two ROs
is the modified Bessel function of the second
kind of order
is the Gamma function
- The Matérn model is a generic model that reduces
to - a linear model
- a exponential model
- a Gaussian model
13B.II. Model parameter estimation using maximum
likelihood estimation
- Choose an appropriate correlation model
(exponential or Matern) - Find the model parameters
that makes sampling D from is
as likely as possible
Maximizing the likelihood can be expressed solely
as a function of ? search for the model
parameters that maximize the
14B.III Model verification using residual analysis
- Choose a model (exponential or Matérn)
- Use MLE to calculate the model parameters
15B.III Model verification using variograms
- Variograms are a popular analysis tool in spatial
statistics. It has been also suggested in the
context of within-die process variation F.
- The sample variogram based on the observations of
the random field can be computed as follows
where Nh is the number of location pairs that are
at a distance h
variogram based on Matérn model
sample variogram based on observed data
variogram based on exponential model
16C. Synthetic generation of within-die variations
- Objective generate synthetic variation data that
mimic silicon measurements - Why needed? Useful for generating test cases and
benchmarking purposes or creating large samples - Basic idea
- Choose a correlation model (exp or Matérn) with
some appropriate parameters. Construct the
covariance matrix ? accodingly. - Let ?AAT be the Cholesky decomposition of ?.
- Generate a random vector W of independent N(0, 1)
variables - Convert the random uncorrelated variables to
correlated ones using the chosen model VAW. - Scale appropriately D µsV
17Experimental setup
- Ten sample chips Altera Cyclone II FPGA EP2C35
devices. - All chips are manufactured with 90nm technology
and all belong the same speed bin (fastest speed
bin C6)
Each block can hold a chain of 16 inverters
35 rows
53 columns
- Each RO is enabled and sampled for 10ms
18EXP 1 Impact of RO tile size
RO Size 22 blocks (63 inverters)
RO Size 1 block (15 inverters)
RO Size 33 blocks (143 inverters)
RO Size 44 blocks (255 inverters)
- A tile size of 33 removes the unwanted
measurement noise and cut down the process
variation extraction time
19EXP 2 Results from 10 sample chips
- Patterns are similar to reported figures in
literature, but produced economically using FPGAs - Magnitude of inter-die variations is 15
- Magnitude of within-die variations is 3
20EXP 3 Statistical analysis of measured data
Objective Is the Gaussian random field model
reasonable? Can it capture the structure of the
spatial correlations?
construct variograms of the 10 chips
21EXP 4 Fitting the models to silicon data
- The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test are
very close to zero which validates the accuracy
of our proposed modeling technique
22EXP 4 Analysis using variograms
variograms for four sample chips
23EXP 5 Generation of synthetic variation data
Examples of variation maps of synthetic chips
using the proposed model Can you visually notice
any difference from the real data? Useful can be
used for benchmarking and constructing test cases
24Contributions of this work
- Provided a complete treatment from test structure
implement and process variation measurements to
statistical modeling and analysis - Proposed statistical modeling using exponential
and Matern functions and used MLE for parameter
estimation - Verified our results using residual analysis and
variograms on 10 sample chips - Provided a method to generate synthetic
within-die variation pattern that mimic
observation data ? Useful for benchmarking and
other related experiments - Data and scripts are available for other
researches at http//ic.engin.brown.edu/tools