Title: U.S. Income Taxes for Canadian Snowbirds
1U.S. Income Taxes for Canadian Snowbirds
2- The United States uses a Substantial Presence
Test (SPT) to determine if an individual needs to
report its income to the IRS. When you spend so
much time, even without undertaking any economic
activity. - Substantial presence test (SPT) uses a specified
formula to determine the number of days in
current and two preceding years. - Add the below and if the result is equal to or
more than 183 days, you need to file a U.S.
income tax return. - Total number of days in the current year 1X
- 2. Total number of days in the first preceding
year 1/3X - 3. Total number of days in the second preceding
year 1/6X - If you spend a minimum of 31 days in the current
year and the result of the above formula is equal
to or more than 183, you have met the SPT. - For Canadians spending winter in the United
States, it's very easy to meet this substantial
presence test and become subject to U.S. income
3Relief for Canadian Snowbirds from U.S. Taxes
If you spend less than 183 days in the current
year, you can file form 8840 with IRS and claim
an exception provided you have Canada as your tax
home. Form 8840 is known as the Closer connectin
exception for Aliens and must be filed at the
same time as the U.S. income tax return for
individuals is due. What if you are a resident
of both the U.S. and Canada at the same time?
Should you file a U.S. Income tax return, you can
read more about this cross border income tax
issues for Canadians in this post.
Covid-19 Relief Exception from Substantial
Presence Test
Due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions, the
IRS issued the Revenue procedure 2020-20. This
provides the relief by allowing to exclude a
single 60 day period between February 01, 2020,
and April 01, 2020, from the calculation. For
COVID-19 exception from the Substantial presence
test, more details can be found here. Maroof HS
CPA Professional Corporation provides a
comprehensive cross border income tax services in
Canada. Write to us at Canada_at_MaroofHS.com or
call us at 1(647)724-4308.
4You can reach us at 3-100 Hanlan Road,
Woodbridge, ON L4L 4V8 Phone (647)724-4308 Emai
l Canada_at_MaroofHS.com https//www.maroofhs.com/c
ontact/ https//twitter.com/MaroofHS https//www