Title: Get The Best Individual Income Tax Services In Canada
1Individual Income Tax Services
2Effective tax planning plays an important
function in creating a sound economic plan.
Without a hit method, you may miss essential tax
advantages or risk tax liabilities in your estate
or successors. To help you hold your wealth, we
are able to tailor an approach based totally on
your desires
3How Expatriate Tax can help
4Our priority is to understand your overall
financial affairs and planning so we can identify
tax strategies that help you achieve your goals.
5Individual Tax Services include
Personal tax filing can be complex when you have
multiple sources of income. With our professional
accountants, we can help you come up with the
most optimal tax saving strategy so you can
minimize your tax payments. If you are also a
corporate client with us, we will ensure that we
tie in your personal tax planning with the
corporate taxes, and this is a key to maximize
your tax savings as business owners.
6- Personal tax return preparation
We often advise our clients to start preparing
their tax early and not wait till the end of
April, but we also understand your busy schedule.
If you are behind on your taxes, give us a call
and we will help you caught up!
7Other Tax Service We Provide
- Expatriate Non-Resident Tax Services
- Corporate Tax Services
- Business Advisory Accounting Services
8About Us
Expatriate Tax
9 Our team of accountants have years of
experiences in practicing tax planning and
compliance for Canadian expatriates. Whether you
are planning to work and live aboard for a period
of time before returning to Canada, or you are
already in the journey, contact us today and let
us help you minimize the amount of Canadian tax!
10Contact us now for a consultation!
Phone (403) 383-2286
Email eaton_at_expatriatetax.ca
Website expatriatetax.ca