Title: Satellite Crop Monitoring System and Yield Assessment
1Satellite Crop Monitoring System and Yield
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Geospatial Information Science Research Center
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil
Engineering, Jalan UPM ,43400,
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
2Presentation OutlineÂ
- Introduction
- Remote Sensing RS Basic for Crop Monitoring
- Problem
- Why Crop Monitoring System
- Crop Monitoring System Requirements
- Fundamental and Resources Requirements
- Budget Requirements
- Methodology
- Examples
- Nowadays agriculture and food security have
become an serious issue throughout the world. And
since the population is growing, the importance
of food production is increasing as well. New
ways of cropland monitoring and management should
be introduced in order to meet food demand in the
future. - Remote sensing data is a highly recommended by
many researchers and user as a useful tool for
cropland monitoring and for an assessment of
spatial variability of the crop productivity
4Remote sensing basic in crop monitoring
- Generally in Iraq, public organizations or
governments officer provide the crop information
and statistics. The data provided are available
only at the end of the season and generally lack
temporal and synoptic character. In a number of
countries now, satellite remote sensing and GIS
technologies have supported crop data collection
and provide crop information and statistics
successfully but not in Iraq. Therefor it is
necessary to build a crop monitoring system in
Iraq base on remote sensing data (starting the
system in Ninawa, Iraq ) .
6Objective is Presenting fundamental, criteria,
resources, budget and business plan requirements
and for any organization starting to use remote
sensing for producing crop monitoring system
7Why RS Crop Monitoring System
- It is digital, temporal, and synoptic in
character and can reach inaccessible areas ,It
will provide - Crop area estimation
- Crop monitoring and yields forecasting
- Crop type identification, mapping of cropland
boundaries - Monitoring crop growth process
- Provide timely and accurate information on crops
during the growing season -
8Requirements for using RS in crop monitoring
- Fundamental requirements
- Sustainable access to satellite image collections
- Resources and competencies for data collection
and processing - Robust geospatial and statistical methodologies
- Comprehensive capacity building programmes
- Collaboration among statistical services and
mapping agencies - Interaction with stakeholders
- Budget and business plan
- Resources required to start producing crop
monitoring system - Qualified manpower examples
- Remote Sensing and GIS analysts are responsible
to undertake the assignment of image processing
and construction of Area Frame - Statisticians are responsible for sample design,
extrapolation and final estimation - Image analysts calculates the area based on
pixel/object based classification - Field staff are responsible to carry out field
survey and crop signature collection. - Hardware / Software
- Input
- Funding
- Resources required to start producing crop
monitoring system - Qualified manpower examples
- Hardware / Software
- A laboratory (mostly 20,000 sq ft) would be
required to accommodate the manpower and
equipment - Hardware for data processing (workstation/laptop),
data collection (GPS/smartphone/tablet), input
and output in digital format (scanner/printer),
storage and dissemination are required - Software for Statistical analysis, GIS/RS
processing, mobile based data collection,
Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)
and metadata / data dissemination will be needed. - Input data
- Funding
Modis data
- Resources required to start producing crop
monitoring system - Qualified manpower examples
- Hardware / Software
- Input data
- The UN has developed a series of purchase
agreements with key image providers e.g.
MacDonald Dettwiler (MDA) (QuickBird, IKONOS,
WorldView-1, WorldView-2, GeoEye-1, WorldView-3,
Airbus DS Geo (derived from TerraSAR-X, SPOT 6/7
and Pleiades) - In the context of humanitarian actions the image
sources are available through the International
Charter for Space and Major Disasters . - Integration of national agricultural monitoring
with the FAO/WFP CFSAM assessment missions
provides technical assistance to crop production
forecasts. - Funding
Digital Globe
SAR image example
12Acquisition of Satellite Data
- SPOT-6/7
- Sentinel-1 2
- Landsat 8
- IR imagery
- Resources required to start producing crop
monitoring system - Qualified manpower examples
- Hardware / Software
- Input data
- Funding
- Integrating remote sensing into crop monitoring
system will necessitate allocation of appropriate
levels of funds - Optimization of imagery acquisition to processing
and field data collection and validation.
Potential to share costs with other applications - Costs of verification using high and very high
resolution data may reduce the costs of field
validation - The cost of hardware and software are mostly one
- Work plan
- The acquisition time period of the satellite
imagery depends upon their phenological stages
- Following techniques have being used
- Satellite image classification
- Satellite based area frame sampling technique
- Regression estimator
16Training Requirements
- Monitoring crops using Remote Sensing and GIS
requires a range of multi-disciplinary team and
integrated skill set. Here is a summary of
required training curricula - Basic concept of RS, GIS, Statistics and Agronomy
- RS and image processing, classification, analysis
and reporting - Land cover classification approaches and database
development - Integration of agri-environmental parameters and
ground based information for yield forecasting - RS/GIS for Area Sampling Frame
- GPS operating and field data collection for
enumerators - Statistical sampling techniques
17Training Requirements
- Trainings should be regularly provided to staff
by specialized national and international
organizations - The number of trainings is to be determined
according to the requirements/ composition of the
team. - E-learning materials should also be developed to
support the application in crop area and yield
18Case examples of implementation
land cover database
Master sampling frames for agricultural and rural
19Punjab South Zone broken down into sampling units
Sampling distribution in Pakistan
Sampling unit from satellite
Crop Portal
GLAM Pakistan
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24Rice Crop Estimates
Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17 Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17 Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17 Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17 Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17 Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17 Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17 Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17 Final Rice Crop Area Estimates(Ha) 2016-17
Province District MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL IC AF Hybrid
Province District 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17 Â 2016-17
Baghlan  46,005 45,431 32,555 32,196 16,227 17,325 17,842
Kunduz  43,100 86,011 90,310 40,210 26,981 23,314 28,171
Takhar  23,320 32,628 40,523 35,532 15,041 14,238 16,263
Sub Total  112,425 164,070 163,388 107,938 58,249 54,877 62,276
Badakhshan Keshem     1,837 2,425 1,986
Badakhshan  6,000 6,000 5,500 4,850 1,837 2,425 Â
Balkh Sholgareh     1,361 1,390 1,472
Balkh  10,500 2,100 1,900 2,000 1361 1390 Â
Nangarhar Shinwar     0 1,468 Â
Nangarhar Beshud     998 1,468 1,079
Nangarhar Kama     1,064 1,468 1,151
Nangarhar  13,410 8,410 21,958 24,371 2,062 1,468 2,230
Grand Total Grand Total 112,425 164,070 163,388 107,938 63,509 60,160 67,964
25(No Transcript)
26Iraq- Ninawa
27Olive Mapping
Study area and Data
The study area is Bashiqa town in Ninawa .
Data 1- Landsat
Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper Landsat-8 OLI at a
resolution of 30 m of 22-4-2009 and 17-4 2019
2- Sentinel-2A MSI imagery acquired on 12 April
28L8-OLI 30 m
Google Earth imagery
Sentinel-2 MSI imagery 10 m
29Methodology Test one
Field survey
The objective is to evaluate the potential of
Sentinel imagery to map olive plantations in
Bashiqa using various classification methods
30 Olive Map
Test One Results
31Methodology Test two
Aim is to map out the status of land use/cover
of Bashiqa town in view to detect the changes
that has taken place during the last decade
32Test 2 results
- Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing will make
crop monitoring simpler, quicker and more
accurate - Satellite imagery and derived products such as
land cover have will make crop area estimation
and yield forecast effective and cost efficient - Implementations such as the Iraq Agriculture
Information System are extraordinary examples of
improvement of national ag statistical systems
through the integration of geospatial
technologies in traditional approaches and
methodologies - This system requires multi-disciplinary
institution to integrate information from
satellite remote sensing, GIS, statistics,
agronomy, agro-meteorology and economics. - Test 1 SVM had the ideal performance with overall
accuracy ranging from 71 to 94 and a Kappa
coefficient from 0.65 to 0.93, depending upon the
training sample size (ranging from 20 to 500
pixels per class). The advantage of SVM was more
obvious when the training sample size was smaller - Test 2 results indicate that during the last
decade, olive, vegetation and built-up land have
been increased by 12.1, 10.6, and 5.7 while
barren and agriculture have decreased by 18, and
10.4, respectively.
34Thank You
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