Title: SMAP L4_C Status
1An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface
Freeze/Thaw State
John Kimball1, Kyle McDonald2, Youngwook Kim1
John Lucotch1 Joseph Glassy1 1The University
of Montana 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalTech
NASA MEaSUREs/PoDAG meeting, Oct 15, 2010
2Project Goals and Objectives
- Provide a consistent, long-term global record of
landscape freeze/thaw (F/T) state dynamics for
vegetated regions where frozen temperatures are a
major constraint to ecosystem processes - Distinguish F/T heterogeneity in accordance with
mesoscale climate, terrain land cover features - Quantify F/T linkages to vegetation productivity
and carbon fluxes - Distinguish natural variability from climate
change signal - Establish baseline conditions for future missions
Over half of the global land area is affected by
F/T cycles that constrain land-atmosphere water,
energy carbon fluxes
Freeze-Thaw Affected Regions
Frozen Period (Days/yr)
Source Kim et al. 2010. TGARS
3Current Results and Output Products
Daily Freeze-Thaw Status SSM/I (37GHz, 25km Res.)
- Daily F/T state maps
- - 4 discrimination levels Frozen (AM PM),
Thawed (AM PM), Transitional (AM frozen, PM
thaw), Inverse-Transitional (AM thaw, PM frozen) - Global domain encompassing F/T affected areas
- - 66 million km2 or 52 of global vegetated
area) - Initial 20 year record (Final gt30 years)
- Detailed metadata on product QA/QC
- - Online documentation
- - Quantitative accuracy metrics (daily)
- - Qualitative QA/QC maps (annual)
- Quick-Visuals (thumbnails, animations)
- Software support (HDFView, Panoply)
- 2 data formats (binary, HDF-5)
Apr 10
Jul 19
Dec 26
Source http//freezethaw.ntsg.umt.edu
4Example FT-ESDR Research Applications
Annual Non-Frozen Period Trend (1988-2007)
Source Kim et al. 2010. TGARS
5FT-ESDR Development Status
- First ATBD release (Jun-09)
- Available online http//freezethaw.ntsg.umt.edu/
publications.htm - Baseline seasonal threshold algorithm single
Tb data series - Planned updates for error budget, data
integration and validation - Recent FT-ESDR releases (Mar/Oct-10 at NSIDC)
- AMSR-E global land parameter bundle (2002-2008)
- SSM/I based F/T record (1988-2007)
- Two more releases planned (FY11/12)
- 2 online data archives (NSIDC DAAC, NTSG-ESIP)
- Baseline (Tier-1) documentation of FT-ESDR
accuracy - Daily comparisons against global WMO air
temperature records (3700 stations) over
homogeneous land areas - Spatial QA/QC using ancillary data (e.g. DEM,
Land cover heterogeneity) - Current product characteristics
- - Global EASE-grid projection 25-km Res Daily
repeat (AM, PM, CO) 20-yr record (1988-07)
derived from SSM/I 37V GHz Tb series HDF-5
binary formats. - Product quality Good (i.e. Validated Stage II
based on EOS product maturity guidelines) - - Mean annual F/T classification accuracy gt80
relative to WMO station observations (Tair).
6FT-ESDR Algorithm Baseline
Pixel-wise Calibration using Tmx/Tmn from Global
Seasonal Threshold Approach
Annual Definition of SSM/I (37V GHz) Tb F/T
Reference States
Source Kim et al. 2010. Developing a global
record of daily landscape freeze/thaw status
using satellite passive microwave remote sensing.
IEEE TGARS, DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2070515.
7Baseline (Tier-1) FT-ESDR Validation QA/QC
Spatially Explicit Quality Assessment
Global Comparisons with WMO Daily Air
Temperature Observations
Cross-channel F/T classification assessment
Source Kim et al. 2010. TGARS
8Secondary (Tier-2) FT-ESDR Validation
- Focused studies over intensive sub-regions
- Sub-grid scale terrain land cover
heterogeneity effects - F/T sensitivity to individual landscape elements
(snow, soil, vegetation) - Leverage planned NASA field campaigns involving
synergistic measurements (CARVE, SMAP). - Comparisons with other synergistic datasets
- Atm. CO2 anomalies, Satellite based snow cover
extent, GPP/NPP, NDVI LST.
FT-ESDR Spring Thaw 1Snow Cover Extent
Anomalies over Northern (gt50ÂșN) Domain
r 0.64, plt0.001
1Source D.A. Robinson (http//climate.rutgers.edu
9Enhanced FT-ESDR Development Validation
Mean annual F/T Classification Accuracy
- Cross-sensor F/T comparisons
- Document F/T differences between overlapping
sensor records SSM/I, SMMR, AMSR-E, ASCAT,
SeaWinds, SMOS - Utilize multiple sensor records for FT-ESDR
production (e.g. empirical forward process
models, data assimilation) - Goal Document exploit synergies among
multiple satellite records/frequencies/polarizatio
ns to enhance FT-ESDR information, accuracy and
SMMR/SSM/I 37V GHz AMSR-E 36V GHz SeaWinds 13
2007 frozen period difference between SSM/I and
10Climate Change Monitoring of extent,
seasonal-annual variation trends in
frozen/non-frozen period
Human Health climate sensitive infectious disease
distribution and change, vector habitat change
Agriculture Frost status/potential, growing
season and potential yield
Potential FT-ESDR Research Applications
Forests phenology, productivity, carbon
source/sink activity, cold hardiness, vegetation
stress forest ecoregions
Water Resources snow cover status and frozen
soils monitoring, timing of ice breakup and
formation in rivers and lakes
Weather, Natural Hazards Weather forecasting,
runoff and flood risk potential
Species and Habitats Shift in ecological
zones, habitat change
11Potential FT-ESDR User Community
Primary Thaw Date vs Spring Flood Pulse, Yukon
Basin, AK
Example FT-ESDR Cryosphere Hydrology
Primary Spring Thaw Date vs Spring River Ice
Breakup on Tanana River AK
12Potential FT-ESDR User Community
Example Agriculture Application
2Soybean Harvested Acres 2007
2007 Spring Frost Index
Source 1http//www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_Su
bject/index.php 2http//www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publ
13Potential FT-ESDR User Community
Example FT-ESDR Carbon Cycle Ecosystems
14Potential FT-ESDR User Community
- Diverse User Community
- - Decadal Survey mission teams (SMAP)
- - Cryosphere
- - Ecosystems Carbon Cycle
- - Hydrology
- - Global Change
- - Atmosphere and Climate
- Community ID Interaction
- Literature search
- Publications
- Dear Colleague letters
- - Workshop presentations
- FT-ESDR user metrics
- User feedback
- SMAP SDT/WG activities
15User Identification Through FT-ESDR 1Metrics
1Preliminary results based on NTSG-ESIP
statistics from Jun-Aug, 2010.
16FT-ESDR User Community Support
- Project website with online data archives,
documentation metadata - - Embedded links to NSIDC archives similar or
synergistic data products - Publication of methods, data software
- - Peer-review journal publications
- Public data archives (NSIDC DAAC, NTSG-ESIP)
- Data links through existing community data
portals (NACP) - Dear Colleague invitations for data download
feedback - SMAP SDT involvement
- - Baseline Info. for planned L3_F/T product
development - - F/T inputs for other product retrievals
(L3/4_SM L4_C) - - Cal/Val Applications WGs
- Development, publication, distribution of
synergistic data bundles (AMSR-E) - - FT-ESDR used as a frozen T constraint for
production of higher-order AMSR-E product
retrievals Inundated area, Soil Moisture, Air
Temperature, Water Vapor VOD - - AMSR-E science team support
17FT-ESDR Project Summary
- Three planned FT-ESDR data releases
- - Initial data release (FY10 20 yr record
1988-07) transfer to NSIDC completed - - Additional F/T data release with AMSR-E land
product bundle (2002-08) - - Two more releases planned for FY11/12 (up to 33
yr record 1979-011) - Metrics reporting initiated for both NSIDC
NTSG-ESIP archives - Product Maturity Good (i.e. validated, Stage 2
based on EOS product maturity guidelines) - - Mean annual F/T classification accuracy gt80
relative to 3700 WMO stations - Accuracy adequate for broad set of science
applications climate change, cryosphere,
hydrology, ecosystems C cycle - Methods publication (Kim et al. 2010. IEEE
TGARS) - Product readiness to support next wave of IPCC
activity Good - Work in progress
- Comparison use of multiple sensor records for
improved information development of longer F/T
record - Detailed algorithm error budget development
- Validation (Stage 3) QA/QC
19Product Maturity Definitions
Source http//nsidc.org/data/docs/daac/ae_land3_l
20Data for FT-ESDR Production and Validation
21FT-ESDR User Community Statistics
Example user metrics from NTSG-ESIP archive
Daily Users
Distinct Users by Class
22Cross Sensor F/T Comparisons
2004 Non-Frozen Season from SSM/I, AMSR-E
23Potential FT-ESDR User Community
Example FT-ESDR Ecosystems Application
Annual NPP (MOD17) vs FT-ESDR Spring Thaw Timing
24Potential FT-ESDR User Community
Example Agriculture Application
2Corn Harvested Acres 2007
2007 Spring Frost Index
Source 1http//www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_Su
bject/index.php 2http//www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publ