Title: 5 Most Popular Superfoods
15 Most Popular Superfoods
Ideal superfood snack for reducing cholesterol
and alleviating arthritis in order to reduce the
side effects of chemotherapy, avocados comes with
high amount of monounsaturated fats. These fats
have a major role to play when it comes to
improving the levels of good cholesterol and
shielding the body tissues from free radicals
while promoting skin health.
Kefir one of the most probiotic-rich foods on
the planet. This cultured, fermented beverage is
made from kefir grain and raw milk and is high in
protein, B vitamins, potassium and calcium. One
of the most powerful benefits of this superfood
is its explicit probiotic properties that play a
major role in improving the healthy bacteria
ratio in your gastrointestinal tract.
Kale is one of the plant-based foods with that is
high in vitamins A, C and K as well as calcium,
manganese, antioxidants and iron. This superfood
is low in calories and high in omega-3 fatty
acids, which makes is ideal for fighting
arthritis, asthma and many autoimmune disorders.
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, Salmon fish works
wonders in helping lower your risk of heart
disease and stroke. It also reduces inflammation
as well as boosts your mood, thanks to the its
vitamin D and selenium content which prevents any
kind of cell damage. Plus, it also benefits your
hair, skin, nails and bones.
Last but not the least, Quinoa is a super grain
that is high in fiber and protein. It is a great
source of iron and potassium and is naturally
gluten-free and the perfect rice substitute. On
top of all, quinoa is an ideal source of multiple
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Know more
about other popcorn superfood that make for a
healthy evening binge partner.
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