Title: OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
1OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
2OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Assignment Critical Path http//www.tutor
-OPS-571-Assignment-Critical-Path- Â Observe
the critical path diagram. Why are there two
arrows pointing to task F? Why is the critical
path shown as A-B-E-G-I? How is the critical
path defined?
3OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Assignment Operations Forecasting (2
Set) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(UOP
ns-Forecasting-(2-Set) Â This Tutorial contains
2 Set of Papers  Purpose of Assignment The
purpose of this assignment is for students to
learn how to apply Operations Forecasting. Assignm
ent Steps Resources Microsoft Excel Select a
business operations dataset from the internet or
other sources which can be used for forecasting
in the University Library.Â
4OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Assignment Week 5 Operations Forecasting
(Fork and Hoe Company) http//www.tutorialrank.co
Hoe-Company)  Purpose of Assignment The
purpose of this assignment is for students to
learn how to apply Operations Forecasting. Assignm
ent Steps Resources Microsoft Excel Select a
business operations dataset from the internet or
other sources which can be used for forecasting
in the University Library.Â
5OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Assignment Week 5 Operations Forecasting
(Tesla) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(
5-Operations-Forecasting-(Tesla) Â Purpose of
Assignment The purpose of this assignment is for
students to learn how to apply Operations
Forecasting. Assignment Steps Resources Microsof
t Excel Select a business operations dataset
from the internet or other sources which can be
used for forecasting in the University
Library. Develop a minimum of three quantitative
forecasts using Microsoft Excel. Compare and
contrast each quantitative forecast you
develop. Choose the one forecast you determine
would be the best for the firm and be prepared to
explain why you chose this.
6OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Entire Course (With New Final
Guide) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(U
th-New-Final-Guide) Â OPS 571 Final Exam Guide
New 2017 (Score 30/30)Â Â OPS 571 Week 1
Assignment Flowchart Improvement Process (2
Papers) Â OPS 571 Week 2 Assignment Statistical
Process Control Methods  OPS 571 Week 3
Individual Assignment Lean Techniques (2
Papers) Â OPS 571 Week 3 Team Six Sigma Yellow
Belt Training (2 PPT) Â OPS 571 Week 4 Assignment
Operations Consulting (2 PPT)
7OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Entire Course (Without Final
Guide) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(U
-course) Â OPS 571 Week 1 Assignment Flowchart
Improvement Process (2 Papers) Â OPS 571 Week 2
Assignment Statistical Process Control
Methods  OPS 571 Week 3 Individual Assignment
Lean Techniques (2 Papers) Â OPS 571 Week 3 Team
Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training (2 PPT) Â OPS 571
Week 4 Assignment Operations Consulting (2
PPT) Â OPS 571 Assignment Operations Forecasting
(2 Set) Â OPS 571 Assignment Critical PathÂ
8OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Final Exam Guide (April,
2020) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(UO
Jan-2019) Â In Hau Lee's uncertainty framework
to classify supply chains, a supply chain for
functional products with a stable supply process
is called which of the following? Responsive Agile
Efficient Risk hedging Forward looking
9OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Final Exam Guide (New, 2020) http//www.t
4397-OPS-571-Final-Exam-Guide-(New-2018) In
Hau Lee's uncertainty framework to classify
supply chains, a supply chain for functional
products with a stable supply process is called
which of the following? Responsive Agile Efficient
Risk hedging Forward looking
10OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 1 Assignment Flowchart Improvement
Process (2 Papers) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OP
rs)  This Tutorial contains 2 Papers  OPS 571
Week 1 Assignment Flowchart Improvement
Process  Purpose of Assignment The purpose of
this assignment is for students to learn process
flowcharting/improving a process and summarizing
the results. Assignment Steps Resources Microso
ft PowerPoint (or other software such as Vizio,
Word, etc.) Select a complex process from your
personal life or work. Use Microsoft PowerPoint
 or other software including Vizio, Word, etc. to
create a flowchart of the as-is
process. Define metrics and measure the current
11OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-1-dq-1-(uop-course) Â Â Â What are
process flow structures? What structure does your
organization rely on the most? How effective has
the structure been in achieving organizational
12OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-1-dq-2-(uop-course) Â What are some
factors that affect global business processes?
How would these factors affect development of new
processes? How are those factors different from
those that affect local business process
13OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 1 DQs (New) http//www.tutorialrank.
-Week-1-DQs-(New) What are the major
concepts defining the field of operations and
supply chain management? Â What are some of the
jobs and career opportunities in operations and
supply chain management? (Chapter 1) What is
the definition of an operations and supply chain
strategy? Â How are these strategies
implemented? Â How do these strategies relate
to business results of the firm? (Chapter 2) Â
What are the characteristics of a manufacturing
14OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 1 Individual Assignment Design a
Flowchart for a Process (2 Flowchart) http//www.
a-Flowchart-for-a-Process-(2-Flowchart) Â This
Tutorial contains 2 Different Flowcharts/Paper  I
ndividual Assignment Design a Flowchart for a
Process Select a process you perform daily but
would like to spend less time doing, such as
driving to work. Dont use something as simple as
combing your hair, reading email or taking a
shower. Those will not give you enough data
points to complete the assignments in latter
weeks. Conversely dont pick something too
complicated like month end closing of the
books. Design a flowchart using an appropriate
tool. Follow good flow charting techniques.Â
Comment on the factors that affect the process
design. Identify at least one metric to
measure the process. Submit your flowchart for
the process. Begin collecting data for the
identified metric every day of the workweek. You
must submit the data collected at the end of each
week. Â
15OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 1 Individual Assignment Process
Design Matrix and Summary (2 Papers)
(New) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(UO
 This Tutorial contains 2 Set of
Paper  Complete the Process Design Matrix. Write
an executive summary identifying appropriate
design approaches for a selected product and
service. Pick one service with which you are
familiar. Complete three to five line items such
as production line, self-service, or personal
attention approach, on the Process Design Matrix.
16OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 1 Practice 100 Correct (All
Possible Question/Answer) http//www.tutorialrank
ctice-100-Correct-All-Possible-Question-Answer Â
The Tuff Wheels was getting ready to start its
development project for a new product to be added
to their small motorized vehicle line for
children. The new product is called the Kiddy
Dozer. It will look like a miniature bulldozer,
complete with caterpillar tracks and a blade.
Tuff Wheels has forecasted the demand and the
cost to develop and produce the new Kiddy Dozer.
The table below contains the relevant information
for this project.
17OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 2 Assignment Statistical Process
Control Methods http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/O
ssignment-Statistical-Process-Control-Methods  Pu
rpose of Assignment The purpose of this
assignment is for students to learn how to apply
Statistical Process Control Methods to a business
process. Assignment Steps Resources Microsoft E
xcel and PowerPoint Select a complex continuous
process from your personal life or work. The
process can be the same as in Week 1 assignment.
18OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 2 DQ 1 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-2-dq-1-(uop-course) Â What is the
learning curve and how can it be applied? Would
the learning curve be appropriate for your
organization? Explain your answer.
19OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 2 DQ 2 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-2-dq-2-(uop-course) Â Â What is Six
Sigma? What are the advantages and disadvantages
for implementing Six Sigma in your organization?
Analyze special considerations and possible
constraints of implementing Six Sigma in an
international business
20OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 2 DQs http//www.tutorialrank.com/OP
2-DQs  What are the factors and keys
influencing product design? Â What are the
design differences between manufacturing and
service products? (Chapter 3) Â What is the
definition of an operations and supply chain
strategy? (Chapter 12) Â Why does statistical
quality control lead to improvements in many
21OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 2 Individual Assignment Process
Designs and Supply Chains Presentation (2 PPT)
(New) \ http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(U
entation-(New) This Tutorial contains 2 Set of
PPT Â This is part one of a two part assignment
starting with an introductory look at process
design and supply chains. Identify a company with
which you are familiar. This could be your place
of employment, a car wash, a yard service
company, and so forth.
22OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 3 DQ 1 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-3-dq-1-(uop-course) Â Â What is a
safety stock and when should it be used? How have
safety stocks been used in a global organization
with which you are familiar? Were they relied
upon appropriately?
23OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 3 DQ 2 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-3-dq-2-(uop-course) Â Â TOC
advocates exploiting process bottlenecks. What
does this mean? Provide at least two examples in
business where this can be done effectively.
24OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 3 Individual Assignment Lean
Techniques (2 Papers) http//www.tutorialrank.com
rs) This Tutorial contains 2 Papers  Purpose
of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is
for students to evaluate the lean techniques
applied to business in today's workforce. Note
Students and Faculty seeking more information on
this assignment can refer to Ch. 14 of
the Operations and Supply Chain
Management textbook. Assignment Steps Select a
business you are familiar with which incorporates
lean manufacturing or lean supply
chains. Evaluate how this firm uses lean
strategies and how much lean techniques has
improved the firm's efficiency. Evaluate ways the
firm can go even further to make improvements
using lean techniques.
25OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 3 Individual Assignment Process
Designs and Supply Chains Presentation Part 2(2
PPT) (New) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-57
Presentation-Part-2-(New) Â This Tutorial
contains 2 Set of PPT Â Create an MS PowerPoint
Presentation in which you evaluate the current
state of the process you selected in Week Two and
summarize the proposed future state. Required
Elements Evaluate the efficiency and
effectiveness of the process selected in Week Two
using the data collected. Determine areas for
improvement Design an improved process flow chart
using an appropriate tool.
26OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 3 Team Assignment Practice
Operations Simulation Analysis, Part
1 http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(UOP-Co
Week 3 - Practice Operations Simulation
Analysis, Part 1 Complete the Practice Operations
Simulation in Connect. Each Learning Team member
should complete Module 1 and Module 2. Take a
screenshot of the results when completed. Â Share
the results with the Learning Team. The
screenshots of the results will be submitted
along with the assignment. Â
27OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 3 Team Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Training (2 PPT) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/
Team-Six-Sigma-Yellow-Belt-Training-(2-PPT) Â Thi
s Tutorial contains 2 Presentations of this
Assignment  Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Training Purpose of Assignment The purpose of
this assignment is for students to receive Six
Sigma Yellow Belt Training - Executing DMAIC
(Define, Measure Analyze, Improve, Control) Six
Sigma Quality Improvement (define and measure)
projects. Assignment Steps Resources Microsoft
28OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 4 Assignment Operations Consulting
(2 PPT) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(
t-Operations-Consulting-(2-PPT) Â This Tutorial
contains 2 Presentations  Purpose of
Assignment The purpose of this assignment is for
students to learn how to develop an operations
consulting proposal. Assignment
Steps Resources Operations and Supply Chain
Management Ch. 25, Microsoft PowerPoint ChooseÂ
a business in the media having difficulties with
its operating model or one which is struggling in
your community.
29OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 4 DQ 1 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-4-dq-1-(uop-course) Â How does
capacity planning differ in service and
manufacturing organizations?
30OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 4 DQ 2 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-4-dq-2-(uop-course) Â What role
does supply chain management play for
organizations seeking to gain the competitive
advantage? Would it be advantageous for your
organization to focus its efforts on improving
its supply chain? Â
31OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 4 Team Assignment Supply Chain
Design Paper (2 Papers) (New) http//www.tutorial
aper-(New) Â This Tutorial contains 2 Set of
Paper  Review the Riordan Manufacturing Virtual
Organization. Write a paper of no more than
1,400-words that includes the following
Determine Riordan's manufacturing strategy
(chase, level, or combination) and explain its
benefits Create a process flow diagram for the
electric fan supply chain
32OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 5 DQ 1 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-5-dq-1-(uop-course) Does your
organization use an enterprise resource planning
(ERP) systems? If so does your organization rely
on it and what influence does globalization have
on your ERP? If not choose an ERP system and
discuss why you believe this system can help your
organization to improve efficiency and
performance. Â
33OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 5 DQ 2 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-5-dq-2-(uop-course) Â Â What role
does competitive intelligence play in
international business forecasting? Which
qualitative techniques are most affected by
international differences? Â Â
34OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 5 Forecasting Assignment (New
Syllabus) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571
ting-Assignment-(New-Syllabus) Â Purpose of
Assignment The purpose of this assignment is for
students to learn how to apply Operations
35OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 5 Individual Assignment Project
Management Recommendation (2 Papers)
(New) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(UO
 This Tutorial contains 2 Set of
Paper  Review the Project Management email.
Write an email response in which you address the
following points Determine which project might
be implemented and why (e.g. feasibility study,
breakeven analysis, etc). Describe the five
phases of a project Describe the key deliverables
associated with the selected project(s).
36OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 5 Team Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Training Part II (2 PPT) http//www.tutorialrank.
I-(2-PPT) This Tutorial contains 2
Presentations of this Assignment  Purpose of
Assignment The purpose of this assignment is for
students to receive Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Training Executing DMAIC Six Sigma quality
improvement (analyze, improve, and control)
projects. Assignment Steps Resources Microsoft
PowerPoint Use the same business your team chose
and has been observing and collecting data for
the Week 3 Learning Team Assignment.
37OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 6 DQ 1 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-6-dq-1-(uop-course) What criteria
must be used when considering where to locate a
facility in the global business environment? What
criteria does your organization consider when
deciding the location of a facility? Â
38OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 6 DQ 2 (UOP Course) http//www.tutor
ops-571-week-6-dq-2-(uop-course) Â What are the
factors that affect international logistics?
Which factor is the most important in your
current industry and why? Â Â
39OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571 Week 6 Signature Assignment (2
Papers) http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571-(
-Assignment-(2-Papers) This Tutorial contains 2
Papers of this Assignment  About Your Signature
Assignment This signature assignment is designed
to align with specific program student learning
outcome(s) in your program. Program Student
Learning Outcomes are broad statements that
describe what students should know and be able to
do upon completion of their degree. The signature
assignments may be graded with an automated
rubric that allows the University to collect data
that can be aggregated across a location or
college/school and used for program improvements
40OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Apply Week 1 Exam Assignment 100
Correct (All Possible Question/Answer) http//www
ossible-Question-Answer  1. Concept
development is one of the typical phases of
product development. Â True
41OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Apply Week 2 Exam Assignment 100
Correct (All Possible Question/Answer) http//www
ossible-Question-Answer  Utilization of a
production process is the ratio of output to
input  Benchmarking refers to the practice of
comparing the production metrics of one firm with
the production metrics of another.
42OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Apply Week 3 Exam Assignment 100
Correct (All Possible Question/Answer) http//www
ossible-Question-Answer  In the textbook, the
expression "quality at the source" means that we
need to purchase the best quality a supplier or
vendor can provide. Is it true or not? Â Â Lean
production makes implementing green strategies in
manufacturing processes more difficult. Is it
true or not?
43OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Apply Week 4 Exam Assignment 100
Correct (All Possible Question/Answer) http//www
ossible-Question-Answer  1. The fact
that organizations are flattening is one of the
reasons that project management is important 2.
Derivative projects are those that address
incremental changes to products or
processes. Â Â 3. A disadvantage of a
matrix project organizational structure is that a
project manager is held responsible for
successful completion of the project.
44OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Apply Week 6 Exam Assignment 100
Correct (All Possible Question/Answer) http//www
ossible-Question-Answer Services typically have
multiple site locations to maintain close contact
with customers. Â The optimal strategy for
functional products is to use an efficient supply
chain. Â The effect of the lack of
synchronization among supply chain members is
referred to as which of the following?
45OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Entire Course http//www.tutorialrank.co
e  OPS 571T Apply Week 1 Exam Assignment 100
Correct (All Possible Question/Answer) Â OPS 571
Week 1 Practice 100 Correct (All Possible
Question/Answer) Â OPS 571T Apply Week 2 Exam
Assignment 100 Correct (All Possible
Question/Answer) Â OPS 571T Week 2 Practice100
Correct (All Possible Question/Answer)
46OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Week 1 Discussion Product Design
Philosophy http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-57
t-Design-Philosophy OPS 571T Week 1 Discussion
Product Design Philosophy  Respond to the
following in a minimum of 175 words  What are
the product design philosophies behind industrial
design and design for manufacture and assembly?
Which one do you think is more important in
customer-focused product development? Â Provide
an example of customer focused product
development in your organization or an
organization you have researched  Provide an
example of a successful or unsuccessful
introduction of a new product and an evaluation
of its specific development process.
47OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Week 2 Discussion ISO Certification http
-OPS-571T-Week-2-Discussion--ISO-Certification Â
OPS 571T Week 2 Discussion ISO
Certification  Respond to the following in a
minimum of 175 words  Is certification under
the ISO standards necessary for competing in the
modern market? What should companies consider
when deciding whether to become certified?
48OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T week 2 practice 100 correct (all
possible question/answer) \ http//www.tutorialran
 1.What is the term that means making the
person who does the work responsible for ensuring
that specifications are met? Â Â 2.What are the
four general categories of quality costs? Â Â 3.A
process flowchart uses which of the following
symbols to represent a decision point in a flow
49OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Week 3 Discussion Theory of
Constraints http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-5
y-of-Constraints  OPS 571T Week 3 Discussion
Theory of Constraints  Respond to the following
in a minimum of 175 words  Describe an
example where theory of constraints (TOC) was
successfully applied to improve a process, or
where you saw the potential for TOC to improve
the process, in either a company you worked for
or a company you were a customer at.
50OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Week 3 Practice 100 Correct (All
Possible Question/Answer) http//www.tutorialrank
actice100-Correct-All-Possible-Question-Answer Â
JIT manufacturing forces the firm to work with a
lower water level despite safety hazards. Is it
true or not? Â An MRP system can allow for
product rejects by building a larger batch than
is demanded but at JIT system cannot tolerate
poor quality. Is it true or not?
51OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Week 4 Discussion Project
Management http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-57
t-Management  OPS 571T Week 4 Discussion
Project Management  Consider the most complex
project you have been involved in. Respond to the
following in a minimum of 175 words  Briefly
describe the project. Give examples of the
following as they pertain to the project  the
work breakdown structure
52OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Week 5 Discussion Forecasting http//www
71T-Week-5-Discussion-Forecasting  OPS 571T
Week 5 Discussion Forecasting  Respond to the
following in a minimum of 175 words  How has
the development of the internet affected the way
companies forecast in support of their supply
chain planning process?
53OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Week 6 Discussion Facility
Location \ http//www.tutorialrank.com/OPS/OPS-571
y-Location   Respond to the following in a
minimum of 175 words If you were starting a
new software development company and could locate
it anywhere in the world, which place would you
choose? Provide an explanation of the variables
you would consider in selecting the country and
justify your rationale.
54OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com
OPS 571T Week 6 Practice 100 Correct (All
Possible Question/Answer) http//www.tutorialrank
actice-100-Correct-All-Possible-Question-Answer Â
If the average aggregate inventory value is
1,200,000 and the cost of goods sold is
600,000, which of the following is inventory
turnover? Â If the average aggregate inventory
value is 45,000 and the cost of goods sold is
10,000, which of the following is weeks of
supply? Â Facility location analysis considers
the competitive imperative of lowest total
cost. Â Â How many free trade zones are there
in the United States?
55OPS 571 education changes / tutorialrank.com