REBT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rational Behavioural Emotive Therapy by Albert Elis – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: REBT

  • Mrs. Deepali Gaurav Borde
  • CSSM

Introduction Who is Albert Ellis?
  • Albert Ellis (September 27, 1913 July 24, 2007)
    was an American psychologist who in 1955
    developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
  • He held MA and PhD degrees in clinical psychology
    from Columbia University and the American Board
    of Professional Psychology (ABPP).
  • He also founded and was the President of the New
    York City-based Albert Ellis Institute for
  • He is generally considered to be one of the
    originators of the cognitive revolutionary
    paradigm shift in psychotherapy and an early
    proponent of cognitive-behavioral therapies

  • Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a
    short-term form of psychotherapy that helps you
    identify self-defeating thoughts and feelings,
    challenge the rationality of those feelings, and
    replace them with healthier, more productive
  • REBT focuses mostly on the present time to help
    you understand how unhealthy thoughts and beliefs
    create emotional distress which, in turn, leads
    to unhealthy actions and behaviors that interfere
    with your current life goals.
  • Once identified and understood, negative
    thoughts and actions can be changed and replaced
    with more positive and productive behavior,
    allowing you to develop more successful personal
    and professional relationships.

Basics of REBT
  • The fundamental principles of REBT are best
    understood by an appreciation of the ABC model.
    This model assumes that as individuals we disturb
    ourselves about experiences by the beliefs we
  • REBT is a self-help / self-management type of
  • REBT is popular because it makes sense to most
    people, and they can and do use it.
  • REBT is also the only cognitive-behavioral
    therapy that encourages people to examine their
    philosophy of life their goals, values, etc.

REBT The Basic
  • R Rational Most people realize that when they
    think more rationally and reasonably, their life
    goes better. So this piece makes sense to them.
  • E Emotive Most people understand that their
    emotions are affected by what happens to them
    and how they think about those events.
  • B Behaviour Most people accept that what they
    do (their behavior) affects how they think and
  • T Therapy but it can also mean Teaching or

According to Ellis, these are other common
irrational assumptions
  • The idea that one should be thoroughly
    competent at everything.
  • The idea that is it catastrophic when things
    are not the
  • way you want them to be.
  • The idea that people have no control over their
  • The idea that you need someone stronger than
    yourself to
  • be dependent on.
  • The idea that your past history greatly
    influences your present life.
  • The idea that there is a perfect solution to
    human problems, and its a disaster if you dont
    find it.

  • REBT can be particularly helpful for people
    living with a variety of issues, including
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • addictive behaviors
  • phobias
  • overwhelming feelings of anger, guilt, or rage
  • procrastination
  • disordered eating habits
  • aggression
  • sleep problems etc..

A-B-C Model
  • A - Activating Event or objective situation
  • The first column records the objective situation,
    that is, an event that ultimately leads to some
    type of high emotional response or negative
    dysfunctional thinking.
  • B - Beliefs
  • In the second column, the client writes down the
    negative thoughts that occurred to them.
  • C - Consequence
  • The third column is for the negative feelings and
    dysfunctional behaviors that ensued. The negative
    thoughts of the second column are seen as a
    connecting bridge between the situation and the
    distressing feelings. The third column C is next
    explained by describing emotions or negative
    thoughts that the client thinks are caused by A.
    This could be anger, sorrow, anxiety, etc.

  • Ellis believes that it is not the activating
    event (A) that causes negative emotional and
    behavioral consequences (C), but rather that a
    person interprets these events unrealistically
    and therefore has an irrational belief system (B)
    that helps cause the consequences (C).

REBT Example
  • A You are told by your boss that he is unhappy
    with your work
  • B Im a failure
  • C Anxiety and depression
  • A You are told by your boss that he is unhappy
    with your work
  • B I did my best
  • C Disappointmented but confident that things
    will get better

  • Here, we can interpret any event (A) according to
    rational/irrational beliefs (B).
  • - If our beliefs(B) are irrational, we will
    suffer greatly (an undesirable C)
  • -But if our beliefs(B) are generally rational, we
    will suffer less and rebound faster (a more
    desirable C)

Therapeutic Relationship
  • Ellis believes that the best way to develop a
    therapeutic relationship is to help solve the
    clients immediate problem.
  • Ellis identifies the activating events,
    irrational beliefs, and emotional and behavioural
    consequences (ABC).
  • Ellis may do this for 2 or 3 sessions and then
    possibly work on longer issues.
  • The relationship between client and therapist is
    important in REBT.
  • With patient who are unfamiliar with REBT, the
    therapist often introduces the purpose of

Role of Counsellor
  • Challenge the clients to validate his/her ideas
  • Use logical analysis to minimize the clients
    irrational beliefs
  • Show how this ideas can be replaced with more
    irrational ideas.
  • teach the client how to apply the scientific
    approach to thinking so that he/she can observed
    and minimize the irrational ideas and illogical
    deductions which foster self-destructive ways of
    feeling and behaving.

The methods involved in REBT include
  • Disputing irrational beliefs in a systematic and
    logical way.
  • Changing ones language from should and musts to
  • Using humour to reduce the exaggerated effects
    of irrational thoughts and beliefs.
  • Doing cognitive homework to identify absolutistic
    beliefs behind their problem. This can include
    assignments to observe their self-fulfilling
    prophecies, reading self-help books and listening
    to tapes of earlier counselling sessions to
    critique their original self-defeating beliefs.

I MUST come across well to others or else I'm
worthless. I MUST be socially competent or else
I am no good. I MUST not make mistakes in social
situations or I am a misfit.
This theory tells us
  • 1.How we think affects how we feel.
  • 2.How we feel affects how we behave.
  • 3.How we behave affects how we live our lives
  • 4.Change the thought Change the Consequence.
  • 5.REBT therapists while acknowledging the
    clients past work in the here and now.

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