Title: Attaalla Elroby - Experienced Professional From Marblehead, MA
1Attaalla Elroby
Engineering Manager, MilliporeSigma
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3Attaalla Elroby is a leading electrical engineer
known for his massive experience of over 10
years. He devises effective and successful
business strategies and he has benefitted a
number of companies through his effective
techniques. Focusing on his personal interests,
he has great interest in fishing, hunting and
mechanical gadgets.
4Attaalla El-Roby has outperformed through his
industrious approach and he offered his services
in various fields including Invensys Operations
Management, NextEra Energy, Seabrook Nuclear
Plant, and Lead Control Systems Engineer.
5Attaalla Elroby earned his bachelor degree in
Applied Science in Electrical Engineering from
the University of Ottawa followed by a masters
degree in Electrical Engineering from the
University of Massachusetts, USA.
6Attaalla El-Roby possesses remarkable leadership,
communication and interpersonal skills and he is
quite concentrated in terms of development of
business strategies that are ground-breaking and
unique. Attaalla Elroby is serving as an
Engineering Manager, Process Control at Millipore
Sigma in Biopharmaceuticals Single-Use Assemblies
7Attaalla El-Roby possesses remarkable
certifications to his name that include PMP
certification training, and Graduate Courses
(University of Pittsburgh) Nuclear Engineering
Fundamentals, Reactor Dynamics.
To know more about him visit his official site