Title: Attaalla Elroby - Engineering Manager at MilliporeSigma
1Attaalla Elroby
Engineering Manager, MilliporeSigma
2 3 Engineering Manager, MilliporeSigma Fromer
Project Engineer, NextEra Energy - Seabrook
Station Nuclear Power Plant
4 Attaalla Elroby is a successful engineer. Risks
come in every profession, He makes sure to
identify the risk, effectively manage it and
prevent it from happening again.
5 Attaalla Elroby is currently serving as an
Engineer manager, process control
(biopharmaceuticals single-use assemblies
production) at Milliporesigma since December
6 He leads the process control engineering group
responsible for optimizing existing production
equipment and introducing new equipment in a
class 10,000 clean room to produce
biopharmaceuticals single-use assemblies.
7 Attaalla Elroby started his career as a software
developer/ system administrator at Convergys
Customer Management Canada Inc. (Ottawa, on) in
Jan 2003. Following this, he served as a control
systems designer at Numet Engineering from April
2004 to January 2007.
8 On the education front, He completed his Bachelor
of Applied Science in Electrical engineering from
the University of Ottawa and Master of Science in
electrical engineering from University of
Massachusetts (Lowell).
9 Attaalla Elroby also received a graduation course
from the University of Pittsburgh in Nuclear
Engineering Fundamentals.