Title: Attaalla Elroby From Marblehead, Massachusetts
1Attaalla Elroby
Engineering Manager, MilliporeSigma
2(No Transcript)
3Attaalla Elroby is an engineering manager with
over a decade of experience.
4He thinks ahead and identifies all the problems
to address the issues effectively.
5He is currently serving as an Engineer manager,
process control (biopharmaceuticals single-use
assemblies production) at Milliporesigma since
December 2014.
6Attaalla Elroby leads the process control
engineering group responsible for optimizing
existing production equipment and introducing new
equipment in a class 10,000 clean room to produce
biopharmaceuticals single-use assemblies.
7Prior to this, Attaalla Elroby also served as a
consultant project engineer at Nextera Energy
from December 2013 to July 2014, Engineering
manager (Nuclear power plants control systems) at
Invensys Operations management from March 2012 to
December 2013.
8On the education front, He completed his Bachelor
of Applied Science in Electrical engineering from
the University of Ottawa and Master of Science in
electrical engineering from University of
Massachusetts (Lowell).
9Attaalla Elroby has PMP certification training
and a graduate course from the University of
Pittsburgh in Nuclear Engineering Fundamentals,
Reactor Dynamics.
10Thank You