Title: Principles and Concepts Of Accounting
1Principles Of Accounting
2- Accounting or accountancy refers to the process
of measuring, processing, and communicating the
financial and non-financial information about
different businesses and corporations. There are
some basic principles that accounting as a
subject holds, which are considered as important
rules that look into the field of accounting, and
guides the process of recording, analysing,
verifying, and reporting the financial position
of a business.Â
3The Accounting Concepts
- The five main principles of accountancy are
- Revenue recognition
- Historical cost
- Matching principle
- Full-disclosure principle
- Objectivity principleÂ
4Revenue Recognition
- This principle is concerned with the revenue that
is being recognised in the statement of income of
any company or enterprise. Revenue is said to be
the gross inflow of the cash or any other arising
in the activity of any enterprise by digging in
interests, royalties, and dividends.Â
5The Historical Cost Principle
- According to this principle of concept, an asset
is recorded at the acquiring price at the time of
the acquisition, making that cost the basis for
accountancy during subsequent accounting periods.
The cost concept is said to be objectively
verifiable. Also, if nothing is being paid to
achieve an asset, it will not be recorded as an
6Matching Principle
- According to the matching principle of
accountancy, the expenses that took place in a
particular accounting period should match the
revenues in that very particular period. This
concept disregards time as well as the actual
cash flow amount and puts full concentration on
the revenues and expenses.Â
7The Principle Of Full Disclosure
- By the full disclosure principle, we refer to the
conveying or concealing of the financial
statement. The financial statement should explain
all the information, both reliable and relevant
to the company, to make it useful to the users or
the consumers. It is also important to keep a
check on the data or information collected is in
accordance with the substance and economic
reality, and not the legal one.Â
8The Principle Of ObjectivityÂ
- By this principle, we mean that the data
collected in accountancy should be explicit,
provable, and unbiased. In laymans language,
that each transit that is recorded should be
appropriate evidence of support.Â
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