Title: IDEAL Network Cable Tester
1Bentec Components Trading Pte Ltd
- Bentec provides international manufacturers with
a full range of supply chain solutions that
tackle product requirements, shortages,
cost-saving opportunities, as well as excess
material management. We collaborate with
customers and distributors to deliver tailored
solutions to increase their stock turns without
manufacturing interruptions
2Best IDEAL Network Cable Tester
For all forms of electronic components, Bentec is
one stop solution. We supply all reputed
electronic brands such as IDEAL and Harting with
electronic components. We hold a wide range of
IDEAL cable testers to you. https//www.bentecc.co
3Best IDEAL Tools, Supplies and Tester
Bentec Components provides the finest electronic
components. We are a Singapore-based digital
company. Find the great deals on Bentec for IDEAL
instruments and testers. Bentec is a major
provider and wholesaler of IDEAL electronic
components providing IDEAL equipment and tests at
very reasonable rates. https//www.bentecc.com/ide
4Best Ideal Wire Stripper And Cutter
Buy Bentec's great wholesale wire stripper and
cutter. Bentec is a Singapore-based certified
IDEAL supplier offering high-quality IDEAL
electronic components such as wire stripper,
cutter, IDEAL devices and wire connectors. https
5Best Ideal Wire Connector
Bentec is one of Singapore's trusted suppliers of
electronic components offering the best IDEAL
wire connectors at affordable prices. https//www
6Business Details Business Name Bentec
Components Trading Pte Ltd, Contact Person
Joseph Benedict Business Address 50 Serangoon
North Avenue 4 08-12, First Centre, Singapore
555856 Business Phone Number (65) 67447226 ,
(65) 67449166 Business E-Mail Joseph
Benedict joseph_at_bentecc.com, Roy Chan