Title: SEO for Architects -Techniques to get high rank
1SEO for Architects
- www.bemunchieonline.co.uk
2- 1. Understand Your Audience User Intent
You need to understand what someone is expecting
to find when they query a word or phrase and you
need to give them the answer in the simplest way
possible, said Mindy Weinstein CEO of Market
Mindshift. According to your business , you
should find your audience .Whats your audiences
interest , what they want to exactly.
32. Go Beyond Google Search
- I think that 2019 will be the year that, once
again, SEO will not just be about how to optimize
for Google, but we will have to take into account
these other engines as well, Schwartz said.
4- 3. Structured Data Mark up Is Key
- With AI becoming increasingly important for
Google, structured data is becoming more
important as well, Tandler said. If Google
wants to move from a mobile-first to an AI-first
world, structured data is key. No matter how good
your AI is, if it takes too long to crawl the
required information, it will never be great. AI
requires a fast processing of contents and their
relations to each other.
5- 7. Win with On-page Optimization
- We are still seeing incredible results from
nothing more than on-page SEO tactics for many
companies that come in the door, Wright said.
Links are still very important, but the biggest
bang for most companies SEO bucks is ongoing
on-page optimization. Because on-page SEO isnt a
set-it-and-forget-it tactic. - Get Hire SEO expert for SEO for Air Conditioning
66. Invest in Technical SEO
- Websites continue to grow in complexity every
year, making technical SEO a major area of
investment in 2019 and beyond. - Some key areas of focus on the technical side of
SEO will be - Speed
- JavaScript
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
7Thank you