Title: Joel Iwataki - A Leading Music Composer and Mixer
1Joel Iwataki
Sound Engineer
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3Joel Iwataki was always interested in music and
he knew about his passion from the beginning.
Therefore, he left school at 19 owing to his
circumstances to become a commercial fisherman in
4Joel Iwataki after studying music joined the
board of the Pacific Composers Forum in Los
Angeles from 1987-1990. While working there for
three years, he composed music for 2 musicals
Canton Jazz Club, produced at East West Players
in Los Angeles in 1991 and Beijing Spring
produced at East West Players in 1996 with utmost
diligence and creativity.
5He also composed the same song again in a revival
in 2006 which sheds light on the legacy of his
work. While writing big band arrangements for
Vegas acts, Joel Iwataki composed music for
Disney Educational Films and a PBS documentary
which is nothing less than magic. It is full of
creativity and different innovative skills are
used in it. He is known for his innovative yet
creative mind.
6Joel Iwataki is available to offer consultation
in musical composing, mixing music, voice
engineering, and music. He also made other people
learn by talking about his work experience with
leading composers.
7Joel Iwataki is a big name in the music industry.
He has earned this position by constant hard
work, compassion, and kindness. He proved that
success is not in what you have but who you are.
To know more about him visit his official site