Title: Joel Iwataki - Provides Consultation in Music Composing
1Joel Iwataki
Sound Engineer
2(No Transcript)
3Joel Iwataki started his music career in 1986 as
a voice recording engineer in G.I. JOE (TV
Series) for 30 episodes. Then he became voice
recording engineer for G.I. JOE The Movie.
4In 1988, he became a music producer in Othello
Suite from the Ballet. Later he became music
scoring mixer and made The Red Violin (1988) and
The Frida (2002) won The Academy award-winning
5In 2005, Joel Iwataki also served as a Musical
Director for the film Sueno. He was born in New
York in 1951. Initially, in his professional
life, he was a commercial fisherman in Alaska.
There he used to skipper a boat he built and run
a small clam cannery in the Prince William Sound.
6After returning to California Joel Iwataki
studied music from the Grove School in Los
Angeles. After then he started to earn a big name
in music, composition, and vocals. Moreover, he
has also composed music for Disney Educational
Films and PBS documentary.
7Joel Iwatakis 2016 music records and mixers
comprise of The Book Henry, ROGUE ONE A Star
Wars Story which was selected for Cinema Audio
Society Award for Outstanding Achievement in
sound mixing for 2016.
8As a voice recording engineer, Joel Iwataki
produced beautiful work in The Transformers, G.I.
The Movie and G.I. JOE (TV Series) in 30
Find out more about him at his official site