Title: MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
1MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
2MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
MKT 455 Week 1 Individual Assignment Personal
Reflection Paper For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Write a 500- to
700-word reflection paper that addresses the
following How has Internet
marketing evolved? What personal
connections have you made with the readings?
How has Internet marketing affected you as
a consumer?
3MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
MKT 455 Week 2 Individual Assignment E-Marketing
Persuasion Memo For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Imagine you are a
marketing representative at Kudler Fine Foods,
which is found in your Virtual Organization
portal. The company is launching a new product
line of healthy snacks to boost sales. You must
persuade the chief marketing officer (CMO) to
approve an e-marketing campaign as a substitute
for traditional marketing techniques, especially
considering the companys recent budget cuts.
4MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
MKT 455 Week 3 Individual Assignment Sample Blog
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Res
ources Kudler Fine Foods virtual organization,
MySpace, or Facebook Develop a MySpace or
Facebook blog to advocate the Kudler Fine Foods
healthy snack products. Simulate a response
section to show possible consumer reactions.
5MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
MKT 455 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment CMO
Response Memo For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com For this assignment,
your team takes on the role of the Kudler Fine
Foods CMO to respond to the e-marketing
persuasion memo to adopt an Internet marketing
campaign. Resources Kudler Fine Foods Virtual
Organization and E-Marketing Persuasion Memo
6MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
MKT 455 Week 4 Individual Assignment Stakeholder
Presentation For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com The CMO of Kudler
Fine Foods has approved your ideas for an
Internet marketing campaign and wants you to
share your ideas with company stakeholders.
7MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
MKT 455 Week 5 Individual Assignment Customer
Behavior Profile For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com The stakeholders
were impressed with your presentation and have
asked that you continue to develop your ideas and
provide more evidence to support campaign
adoption. Because the product is new, you realize
the importance of understanding the customer and
have decided to create a customer behavior
profile as the next step in your proposal.
8MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
MKT 455 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Customer
Relationship Management Plan For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com The CMO and
stakeholders have given serious consideration to
your proposal to adopt an Internet marketing
campaign. After reviewing the material you have
presented, they want to see your plan on how the
brand will be communicated to the public.
9MKT 455 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com