Diabetes according to Ayurveda (1) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diabetes according to Ayurveda (1)


'Mana' implies family place of the Namboodiri(Kerala Brahmins). Poomully Mana, is a Namboodiri family home arranged in Kerala, having a background marked by over 500 years. Late.Sri.Poomully Narayanan Namboodirippad(father of Aramthampuran and celebrated Rig-veda expert), Late.Sri. Poomully Raman Namboothiripad, the extraordinarily gifted understudy of the acclaimed performer Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar and Late.Sri. Poomulli Neelakandan Namboothiripad (Aramthampuran) the matchless ayurveda expert, are better known among them. Numerous prestigious identities from inside the nation and abroad visits mana for Ayurveda medications – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diabetes according to Ayurveda (1)

Diabetes According to Ayurveda
  • The Ayurvedic
    idea of 'Six Tastes Science' (Shad Rasa) gives
    profound understanding into glucose balance. The
    particular metabolic elements of the pancreas to
    manage glucose levels reflect not just blood ph
    (corrosive/basic parity), yet in addition the
    proportions of the six tastes to one another. The
    six primary tastes in Ayurveda are sweet, sharp,
    salty, intense, sharp and astringent. The blood
    of a Type II Diabetic is over acidic because of
    overabundance sweet taste. PRAMEHA implies truly
    'expanding water component' or 'thriving water'.
    This connotes in connection to space, air, fire
    and earth components, water is expanded in the
    person's body. Water component is additionally
    called 'Kapha dosha' in Ayurveda, the world's
    most seasoned all encompassing medicinal science.

  • Water is sweet and astringent in taste. It is
    overwhelming, delicate and cool. Natural
    Management of Blood Sugar Fluctuations Turmeric
    (curcuma longa) is a standout amongst the most
    normally utilized plants to bolster ordinary
    pancreatic capacity. Its activity is both 'dipan'
    (predigestive measure) when taken just before
    nourishment, and 'pachan' (postdigestive measure)
    when taken after nourishment.Disengage absorption
    is less than entire plant osmosis, and might be
    hurtful, particularly if total.

  • Turmeric has been widely utilized in Ayurveda for
    the treatment of Prameha. Research has discovered
    that turmeric brings down blood sugar levels and
    works at numerous levels in enhancing insulin
    affectability and hindering particular catalysts
    related with Type II Diabetes. Turmeric
    diminishes irritation all through the body
    tissues. Constant poor quality aggravation is as
    an imperative impact of numerous Authentic
    Panchakarma Treatments in Kerala metabolic
    maladies, obvious in diabetes, tumor and other
    constant conditions. In autoimmunity the reason
    turns into an impact and the impact at that point
    turns into a causative factor for confusions.

  • Shardunika or Gurmar (gynmema sylvestre) is
    outstanding in Ayurveda to check sweet desires,
    caused by long-standing shirking of severe,
    astringent and now and then sharp tastes in the
    eating regimen. The name gurmar signifies 'to
    annihilate sweetness'. It not just aides in
    controlling glucose levels, yet additionally
    helps in recovery and repair of beta cells in the
    pancreas. It is drying and diminishes
    overabundance water component amassed into the

  • Neem (azadirachta indica) is intense, astringent,
    cooling and has particular proclivity to the
    liver and pancreas.
  • It standardizes Ranjak Pitta, one of the basic
    stomach related elements of the sun based plexus
    identified with blood produce quality. Neem is
    calming and helpful to decrease pitta and kapha
    doshas, particularly in the skin. It is utilized
    in Kapha and Pitta kinds of Prameha, yet is
    dodged in Vata Prameha (squandering).

  • It can be helpful in reestablishing sensation in
    neuropathy, alongside other substances. Neem is
    helpful when rashes show up on the midriff of the
    body as a difficulty of lethality develop in the
    meda (fat Triphala can be taken at sleep time in
    the measure of ½ to 1 tsp. with warm water to
    help balance every one of the six tastes and
    restore the particular stomach related cells of
    the G.I. tract.

  • Exercise to the point of light perspiring done
    in the early morning prior nourishment is the
    most ideal approach to help the water conveying
    channel framework tostandardize its volume, and
    tastes, and dispose of poisons. Wash or shower
    off the perspiration after exercise so it doesn't
    re-retain. Sweat is for the most part salty,
    subsequently hydrophilic or retentive to water.
    Overwhelming perspiring can be a lot for an
    individual, and potentially prompt exhaustion of
    the blood volume, which just confounds the way
    toward reestablishing health. The turtle won.
    Take it bit by bit and relentlessly! You'll
    control up at the appropriate time of time.

  • Poomully Heritage Ayurveda Pvt Ltd Poomully Mana
    Ayurvedic Hospital,Peringode (PO), Via.
    Koottanadu,Palakkad Dist, Kerala, India.Pincode
  • 91 9562033066. 91 8943933977.
  • info_at_poomullymana.com
  • poomully_at_gmail.com
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