Title: Avoid Hangover Headache
1How to drink alcohol without getting a hangover
2Youre lying in bed with a pounding head, a mouth
as dry as the Sahara and disgusting nausea, and
youre supposed to be at work in an hour. You
resolve to never drink again, safe in the
knowledge that you will almost certainly, in
fact, drink again. But while you might not
suddenly cancel all your nights out for fear of
the hangover, you can absolutely drink smarter
and Avoid Hangover Headache. Here are our top
tips to prevent a hangover, which might be
particularly useful at this time of year.
3Get Your Food First.
- Eating is cheating, so the old saying goes.
- Of course, youll get drunk quicker if you booze
on an empty stomach, but youre also much more
likely to end up with a brain-frying headache the
next day. - Do the sensible thing eat a good meal first,
ideally one thats heavy on the carbs, to give
yourself a healthy start to an otherwise
unhealthy evening.
4Dont just drink booze
- Alcohol causes dehydration, which in turn makes
your hangover infinitely more unpleasant. Stay
hydrated, ideally by drinking a sports drink or
coconut water both contain the nutrients you
lose when youre out on the town drinking.
Obviously, they might not be the easiest things
to order when youre out and about, so water is a
perfectly effective alternative. - Drinking a glass of water between drinks might
sound like something your mum would nag you
about, but it really does help you avoid a
5Drink clear drinks
- This may sound like an urban myth, but studies
have found that hangovers tend to be worse if
youve been drinking darker fluids, compared to
lighter ones. The likes of red wine, whiskey and
dark rum contain more congeners, toxic chemicals,
that contribute to some intense hangovers. Ditch
them in favour of clear alcohol, such as gin,
white wine or vodka the latter has almost no
congeners at all.
6Dont go for cheap spirits
- While this isnt great news if youre counting
the pennies, theres a reason why cheaper spirits
cost a lot less. - More expensive drinks are usually distilled more
times and contain fewer congeners effectively
giving you a better quality drink that wont make
you want to throw your guts up in the morning.
7Avoid the bubbles
- Bad news alcohol thats mixed with carbonated
drinks gives especially bad hangovers. Its a
good reason to lay off the champagne on New
Years Eve, and it also means you should try to
avoid any spirits mixed with Coke. The bubbles
speed up the absorption of alcohol in your
system, getting you drunk quicker but giving you
searing hangovers.
8Dont Smoke
- And not just because that taste in your mouth the
next morning will be even worse. Studies have
shown that people smoking alongside drinking
tends to increase the risk and severity of a
hangover. - Water Before Bed - but dont overdo it
- If youre still in some kind of sensible state
when you get home, pour yourself a nice,
refreshing glass of water. Just dont go
overboard, because overloading on water can put
too much stress on your body.
9And If none of that works.
- You can always go for an after party drink. Anti
Hangover Drink helps you Avoid Hangover Headache
and it always got your back. All you have to do
is grab a no hangover drink after party and wake
up refreshed in morning. - Refmetro.co.uk/2016/12/31/how-to-drink-alcohol-wi
11Thank You