Title: The Early Peace of Mind
1The Early Peace of Mind Screen
Sample Needed 'first catch' urine
sample Earliest test date Immediately Price 145
Tests for
Chlamydia Gonorrhea Mycoplasma genitalium Ureaplas
ma Gardnerella Hepres I II Trichomonas
Our STI Screens
We offer a range of screens which combine
individual home STI tests together into packages,
which cover different scenarios. If you are not
sure which would be most suitable, then try
our online consultation and let the professionals
guide you through the process
2Additional Information
This urine screen looks for eight common sexually
transmitted infections and can be done
immediately post exposure. Some of these
bacterial infections can be detected very early
after an exposure, and this test also gives an
opportunity to screen for historical
exposures. Even though some of these bacterial
infections may sound scary, they are often very
easily treated with antibiotics.
Ideally this screen should be repeated at day 28
onwards, to ensure that the infections have been
given enough time to incubate. A discreet Test
kit is dispatched simply at your given
address.The sample is forwarded to the laboratory
using our self addressed envelope. Results are
sent via a text message. Our team of real life
TESTD doctors is on hand across the country to
advise and treat (where appropriate), once the
results are known. This give you a complete
medical pathway from ordering the right tests to
receiving the correct treatment, so that you can
move on from any worries you may have.
3(No Transcript)
4To Contact TESTD.COM (subsidiary of Regent
Street Clinic) Tel0800 689 4127 support_at_testd.co
m STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) tests can
be ordered online from the comfort of your home.
Web www.testd.com