Title: Adil Baguirov - Experienced Professional
1Adil Baguirov
Board Member and Former President, Dayton Board
Of Education Principal, American Power
2(No Transcript)
3Adil Baguirov is a professional who shows great
determination and patience to undertake all the
responsibilities effectively.
4In 2014, Adil Baguirov served as a committee
member with the City of Learners organization in
Dayton for a year.
5He also worked as chairman of Dayton Public
Schools Technology Steering Committee from 2015
to 2017.
6Apart from his work at the Board of education, he
has been dedicated to the Miami Valley Child
Development Center since 2014.
7Adil Baguirov has the Ph.D. degree from Moscow
State Institute of International Relations. Prior
to this, he got an undergraduate degree in
international relations and business
administration from the University of Southern
8Adil Baguirov was also associated with the field
of finance. He has been dedicated to the Miami
Valley Child Development Center since 2014.
9On the education front, Adil Baguirov earned his
undergraduate degree in international relations
and business administration from the University
of Southern California and the Ph.D. degree from
Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
To know more about him visit his official site