Title: Adil Baguirov - Dayton, Ohio
1Adil Baguirov
Board Member and Former President, Dayton Board
Of Education Principal, American Power
2(No Transcript)
3Adil Baguirov is an enthusiastic Educationist who
has effortlessly worked for the betterment of
education facilities and educational system for
more than over a decade.
4He has utilized his speaking talent to spread
awareness in this regard of theneed for education
5Adil Baguirov has presented himself as a speaker
at the RAND Corporation. Furthermore, he
participated as a panel speaker at the Heritage
6He has also been the Guest speaker at the Foreign
Service Institute, U.S. Department of State.
7By profession, Adil Baguirov is linked to the
field of academics. But, he also owns a personal
business. As he has done his graduation in
Business Administration and International
Relations. He is a Ph.D. degree holder in the
field of Political Science.
8Adil Baguirov is an elected President and member
of Dayton Board of Education (School Board). Here
he has worked to improve the standard and quality
of education and technical facilities being
9In 2006 Adil Baguirov was called amongstthe Young
Leaders, at the NATO Summit in Riga. He is a
Co-Founder of the U.S. Azeris Network and the
10He facilitated in the formation of Miami Valley
Education Advocacy Network, where he himself
worked for the child development purpose in 2014.