Title: Four Fun Exercising Tips for Your Dog
1Four Fun Exercising Tips for Your Dog
There are times when your dog can be really lazy
and just doesnt feel like moving. This is the
time to start exercising your dog and get it in
shape. Being overweight can cause a lot of
diseases such as arthritis, diabetes and even
cancer. But before you start exercising with your
dog, it is advisable to talk to its veterinarian.
As there are certain exercises which are not
recommended for your dog, because every dog has
different shape and size which needs different
exercises to be done. Here are few exercises
that your dog will enjoy, and improve your dog
health and can be interesting from the boring
routine from same activities day after day.
2Run with your Dog It can be a great activity to
enjoy outdoors which helps your dog to strengthen
muscles and increase stamina. Find a track where
your dog is comfortable running in and make sure
that you have sports shoes that are comfortable
while running. Bring a foldable bowl and a water
bottle so that you both can rehydrate. Go for a
Swim Swimming can be an all-around healthy
activity for your dog. It is considered as the
best exercise if your dog loves to swim which
provide stimulation. It is said that dogs often
have excess energy to burn which needs to be
released. It is good for the whole body from
cardio to muscles.
3Play a Game Playing a game of fetch with your dog
is all that is needed for an exercise fix. This
game can be easily squeezed into your busy
schedule, as you dont have to travel far. You
can use a ball, a Frisbee, his favourite toy or
stick, go in a close by park or in your backyard
and play a game of fetch.
4Go on a Hike Hiking is considered as a great way
to get rid of those boring same old routine walk.
A hike is a great activity that your dog needs to
release up some energy and to perk him up. You
can see a spark in his eyes when he sees you
backpacking water bottles, his leash, and hiking
boots because he knows that he is getting to go
to an interesting place. 8 views Source
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