Title: Beth De Lima Murphys (3)
1Beth De Lima Nationally and california state
certified as a senior professional in human
2About Beth
- Beth De Lima is nationally certified as a senior
professional in human resources. Ms. De Lima is
an expert in the HR aspects of employment
regulation compliance, litigation, and vocational
rehabilitation. Ms. De Lima is a certified
mediator through the UC Berkeley Extension
program and has been appointed to the Amador
County Superior Court Mediation Panel.
3Ms. De Lima provides expert testimony for both
the Plaintiff and Defense regarding Human
Resource Best Practices and Standards of Care.
Her focus is to assist organizations with
mitigating potential liability by offering
consulting services, mediation, and interactive
training to organizations, not-for-profits,
government and pseudo government entities,
attorneys, and school districts.
4She is also CEO and co-founder of HRM Consulting
Inc. and Leave Management Solution LLC. She
developed the LeaveManagementSolutions.com
website to assist employers in complying with the
FMLA, ADA and Pregnancy Disability Regulations.
5 Address
304 Highway 4
PO Box 2625
Murphys, CA 95247 Phone
209.728.8905 Fax
209.728.8970 Email
Info_at_hrmconsulting.com URL