Title: Beth De Lima Murphys (6)
1Beth De Lima
MBA, SPHR-CA Principal and Founder of HRM
2About Beth De Lima
Human Resource expert Beth De Lima is founder of
HRM Consulting, Inc. Beth also provides
vocational, human resource, and labor market
assessments for use in personal injury and
divorce litigation, and is available to assist
attorneys with expert witness preparation in
these areas.She is registered as a vocational
expert with the office of Hearing and Appeals,
Social Security Administration, providing expert
testimony.Beth De lima has worked as an adjunct
instructor for the Yosemite Community College
District, teaching Human Resource Business
3- Beth De Lima well known HR expert in Murphys
San Jose. Beth has been a speaker for
professional organizations in the United States
and has conducted personalized training workshops
for corporations, non-profits, small businesses
and government agencies.
4Beth De Lima launched the LeaveManagementSolutions
.com membership website to provide you 24/7
access to the tools, training, forms and letters
she uses daily with her corporate clients to
manage FMLA, ADA, Work Comp, and PDL medical
leaves, accommodations, and abuse in the
workplace. Beth De Lima provides expert testimony
for both the Plaintiff and Defense regarding
Human Resource Best Practices and Standards of
- Address 304 Highway 4
- PO Box 2625
- Murphys, CA 95247
- Phone 209.728.8905
- Fax 209.728.8970
- Email Info_at_hrmconsulting.com
- URL www.hrmconsulting.com